ObjFW  Artifact [a14dce520b]

Artifact a14dce520b07d40b7fea7bbd565be827fa2a443968c974b23e53ff38d4659c78:

  • File src/OFObject.m — part of check-in [042a74a6e6] at 2009-05-03 14:48:41 on branch trunk — Don't throw an OFNoMemException in - freeMem:. It won't help anyway.

    If there's not even enough memory to make the list of memchunks
    smaller, there can't be much done anyway. The only way is to ignore
    it and hope the whole object gets free'd soon, as the memchunk will
    be free'd then as well.

    Additionally, the OFOutOfRangeException was replaced by an assert. It
    should never overflow here as we're making it smaller. And a size of 0
    can't happen as we already found the memchunk before. (user: js, size: 8105) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

#import "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFAutoreleasePool.h"
#import "OFExceptions.h"
#import "OFMacros.h"

#import <objc/objc-api.h>
#ifndef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
#import <objc/runtime.h>

struct pre_ivar {
	void   **memchunks;
	size_t memchunks_size;
	size_t retain_count;

/* Hopefully no arch needs more than 16 bytes padding */
#define PRE_IVAR_ALIGN ((sizeof(struct pre_ivar) + 15) & ~15)
#define PRE_IVAR ((struct pre_ivar*)((char*)self - PRE_IVAR_ALIGN))

static struct {
	Class isa;
} alloc_failed_exception;

@implementation OFObject
+ initialize
	return self;

+ alloc
	OFObject *instance;
#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	size_t isize = class_get_instance_size(self);
	size_t isize = class_getInstanceSize(self);

	if ((instance = malloc(isize + PRE_IVAR_ALIGN)) == NULL) {
		alloc_failed_exception.isa = [OFAllocFailedException class];
		@throw (OFAllocFailedException*)&alloc_failed_exception;

	((struct pre_ivar*)instance)->memchunks = NULL;
	((struct pre_ivar*)instance)->memchunks_size = 0;
	((struct pre_ivar*)instance)->retain_count = 1;

	instance = (OFObject*)((char*)instance + PRE_IVAR_ALIGN);
	memset(instance, 0, isize);
	instance->isa = self;

	return instance;

+ new
	return [[self alloc] init];

+ (Class)class
	return self;

+ (const char*)name
#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	return class_get_class_name(self);
	return class_getName(self);

+ (IMP)replaceMethod: (SEL)selector
 withMethodFromClass: (Class)class;
#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	Method_t method = class_get_instance_method(self, selector);
	IMP oldimp, newimp;

	if (method == NULL)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: self
						    andSelector: _cmd];

	oldimp = method_get_imp(method);
	newimp = method_get_imp(class_get_instance_method(class, selector));

	if (oldimp == (IMP)0 || newimp == (IMP)0)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: self
						    andSelector: _cmd];

	method->method_imp = newimp;
	return oldimp;
	Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(self, selector);
	IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation(class, selector);

	if (method == NULL || imp == NULL)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: self
						    andSelector: _cmd];

	return method_setImplementation(method, imp);

- init
	return self;

- (Class)class
	return isa;

- (const char*)name
#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	return object_get_class_name(self);
	return class_getName(isa);

- (BOOL)isKindOf: (Class)class
	Class iter;

#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	for (iter = isa; iter != Nil; iter = class_get_super_class(iter))
	for (iter = isa; iter != Nil; iter = class_getSuperclass(iter))
		if (iter == class)
			return YES;

	return NO;

- (BOOL)respondsTo: (SEL)selector
#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	if (object_is_instance(self))
		return class_get_instance_method(isa, selector) != METHOD_NULL;
		return class_get_class_method(isa, selector) != METHOD_NULL;
	return class_respondsToSelector(isa, selector);

- (IMP)methodFor: (SEL)selector
#ifdef __objc_INCLUDE_GNU
	if (object_is_instance(self))
		return method_get_imp(class_get_instance_method(isa, selector));
		return method_get_imp(class_get_class_method(isa, selector));
	return class_getMethodImplementation(isa, selector);

- (BOOL)isEqual: (id)obj
	/* Classes containing data should reimplement this! */
	return (self == obj ? YES : NO);

- (uint32_t)hash
	/* Classes containing data should reimplement this! */
	return (uint32_t)(intptr_t)self;

- addToMemoryPool: (void*)ptr
	void **memchunks;
	size_t memchunks_size;

	memchunks_size = PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size + 1;

	if (SIZE_MAX - PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size < 1 ||
	    memchunks_size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*))
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: isa];

	if ((memchunks = realloc(PRE_IVAR->memchunks,
	    memchunks_size * sizeof(void*))) == NULL)
		@throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: isa
					      andSize: memchunks_size];

	PRE_IVAR->memchunks = memchunks;
	PRE_IVAR->memchunks[PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size] = ptr;
	PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size = memchunks_size;

	return self;

- (void*)allocWithSize: (size_t)size
	void *ptr, **memchunks;
	size_t memchunks_size;

	if (size == 0)
		return NULL;

	memchunks_size = PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size + 1;

	if (SIZE_MAX - PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size == 0 ||
	    memchunks_size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*))
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: isa];

	if ((ptr = malloc(size)) == NULL)
		@throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: isa
					      andSize: size];

	if ((memchunks = realloc(PRE_IVAR->memchunks,
	    memchunks_size * sizeof(void*))) == NULL) {
		@throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: isa
					      andSize: memchunks_size];

	PRE_IVAR->memchunks = memchunks;
	PRE_IVAR->memchunks[PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size] = ptr;
	PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size = memchunks_size;

	return ptr;

- (void*)allocNItems: (size_t)nitems
	    withSize: (size_t)size
	if (nitems == 0 || size == 0)
		return NULL;

	if (nitems > SIZE_MAX / size)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: isa];

	return [self allocWithSize: nitems * size];

- (void*)resizeMem: (void*)ptr
	    toSize: (size_t)size
	void **iter;

	if (ptr == NULL)
		return [self allocWithSize: size];

	if (size == 0) {
		[self freeMem: ptr];
		return NULL;

	iter = PRE_IVAR->memchunks + PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size;

	while (iter-- > PRE_IVAR->memchunks) {
		if (OF_UNLIKELY(*iter == ptr)) {
			if (OF_UNLIKELY((ptr = realloc(ptr, size)) == NULL))
				@throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: isa
							      andSize: size];

			*iter = ptr;
			return ptr;

	@throw [OFMemNotPartOfObjException newWithClass: isa
					     andPointer: ptr];

- (void*)resizeMem: (void*)ptr
	  toNItems: (size_t)nitems
	  withSize: (size_t)size
	size_t memsize;

	if (ptr == NULL)
		return [self allocNItems: nitems
				withSize: size];

	if (nitems == 0 || size == 0) {
		[self freeMem: ptr];
		return NULL;

	if (nitems > SIZE_MAX / size)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: isa];

	memsize = nitems * size;
	return [self resizeMem: ptr
			toSize: memsize];

- freeMem: (void*)ptr;
	void **iter, *last, **memchunks;
	size_t i, memchunks_size;

	iter = PRE_IVAR->memchunks + PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size;
	i = PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size;

	while (iter-- > PRE_IVAR->memchunks) {

		if (OF_UNLIKELY(*iter == ptr)) {
			memchunks_size = PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size - 1;
			last = PRE_IVAR->memchunks[memchunks_size];

			assert(PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size != 0 &&
			    memchunks_size <= SIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*));

			if (OF_UNLIKELY(memchunks_size == 0)) {

				PRE_IVAR->memchunks = NULL;
				PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size = 0;

				return self;

			if (OF_UNLIKELY((memchunks = realloc(
			    PRE_IVAR->memchunks, memchunks_size *
			    sizeof(void*))) == NULL))
				return self;

			PRE_IVAR->memchunks = memchunks;
			PRE_IVAR->memchunks[i] = last;
			PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size = memchunks_size;

			return self;

	@throw [OFMemNotPartOfObjException newWithClass: isa
					     andPointer: ptr];

- retain

	return self;

- autorelease
	[OFAutoreleasePool addToPool: self];

	return self;

- (size_t)retainCount
	return PRE_IVAR->retain_count;

- release
	if (!--PRE_IVAR->retain_count)
		return [self free];

	return self;

- free
	void **iter = PRE_IVAR->memchunks + PRE_IVAR->memchunks_size;

	while (iter-- > PRE_IVAR->memchunks)

	if (PRE_IVAR->memchunks != NULL)

	free((char*)self - PRE_IVAR_ALIGN);
	return nil;