ObjFW  Artifact [87f8ae6119]

Artifact 87f8ae6119c115a7ff45104d06589eb7d809511a815547775613f195dd62be21:

  • File src/OFArray.h — part of check-in [48980f2297] at 2015-11-29 11:43:05 on branch trunk — Make properties a requirement and clean up code

    This increases the required GCC version from 4.0 to 4.6 (exception:
    Apple GCC, which already supports this with >= 4.0 starting with OS X
    10.5). Since even GCC 4.6 is really old by now, there is no point in
    still supporting something even older and making the code ugly because
    of that. While some hardware and OS support was dropped from GCC 4.6
    compared to GCC 4.0, there is nothing in there that would be an
    interesting target with the exception of BeOS maybe - but a port to BeOS
    can also be achieved using the Haiku support. The other dropped OSes are
    mostly old versions of OSes while newer ones are still being supported
    (and those newer versions of those OSes still support the same
    hardware). (user: js, size: 14269) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.


#include <stdarg.h>

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFCollection.h"
#import "OFEnumerator.h"
#import "OFSerialization.h"
#import "OFJSONRepresentation.h"
#import "OFMessagePackRepresentation.h"


/*! @file */

@class OFString;

enum {

 * @brief A block for enumerating an OFArray.
 * @param object The current object
 * @param index The index of the current object
 * @param stop A pointer to a variable that can be set to true to stop the
 *	       enumeration
typedef void (^of_array_enumeration_block_t)(id object, size_t index,
    bool *stop);

 * @brief A block for filtering an OFArray.
 * @param object The object to inspect
 * @param index The index of the object to inspect
 * @return Whether the object should be in the filtered array
typedef bool (^of_array_filter_block_t)(id object, size_t index);

 * @brief A block for mapping objects to objects in an OFArray.
 * @param object The object to map
 * @param index The index of the object to map
 * @return The object to map to
typedef id _Nonnull (^of_array_map_block_t)(id object, size_t index);

 * @brief A block for folding an OFArray.
 * @param left The object to which the object has been folded so far
 * @param right The object that should be added to the left object
 * @return The left and right side folded into one object
typedef id _Nullable (^of_array_fold_block_t)(id _Nullable left, id right);

 * @class OFArray OFArray.h ObjFW/OFArray.h
 * @brief An abstract class for storing objects in an array.
@interface OFArray <ObjectType>:
# ifndef DOXYGEN
#  define ObjectType id
# endif
@interface OFArray:
    OFObject <OFCopying, OFMutableCopying, OFCollection, OFSerialization,
    OFJSONRepresentation, OFMessagePackRepresentation>
 * @brief Creates a new OFArray.
 * @return A new autoreleased OFArray
+ (instancetype)array;

 * @brief Creates a new OFArray with the specified object.
 * @param object An object
 * @return A new autoreleased OFArray
+ (instancetype)arrayWithObject: (ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Creates a new OFArray with the specified objects, terminated by `nil`.
 * @param firstObject The first object in the array
 * @return A new autoreleased OFArray
+ (instancetype)arrayWithObjects: (ObjectType)firstObject, ... OF_SENTINEL;

 * @brief Creates a new OFArray with the objects from the specified array.
 * @param array An array
 * @return A new autoreleased OFArray
+ (instancetype)arrayWithArray: (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)array;

 * @brief Creates a new OFArray with the objects from the specified C array of
 *	  the specified length.
 * @param objects A C array of objects
 * @param count The length of the C array
 * @return A new autoreleased OFArray
+ (instancetype)
    arrayWithObjects: (ObjectType const _Nonnull *_Nonnull)objects
	       count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Initializes an OFArray with the specified object.
 * @param object An object
 * @return An initialized OFArray
- initWithObject: (ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Initializes an OFArray with the specified objects.
 * @param firstObject The first object
 * @return An initialized OFArray
- initWithObjects: (ObjectType)firstObject, ... OF_SENTINEL;

 * @brief Initializes an OFArray with the specified object and a va_list.
 * @param firstObject The first object
 * @param arguments A va_list
 * @return An initialized OFArray
- initWithObject: (ObjectType)firstObject
       arguments: (va_list)arguments;

 * @brief Initializes an OFArray with the objects from the specified array.
 * @param array An array
 * @return An initialized OFArray
- initWithArray: (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)array;

 * @brief Initializes an OFArray with the objects from the specified C array of
 *	  the specified length.
 * @param objects A C array of objects
 * @param count The length of the C array
 * @return An initialized OFArray
- initWithObjects: (ObjectType const _Nonnull *_Nonnull)objects
	    count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Returns the object at the specified index in the array.
 * @warning The returned object is *not* retained and autoreleased for
 *	    performance reasons!
 * @param index The index of the object to return
 * @return The object at the specified index in the array
- (ObjectType)objectAtIndex: (size_t)index;
- (ObjectType)objectAtIndexedSubscript: (size_t)index;

 * @brief Copies the objects at the specified range to the specified buffer.
 * @param buffer The buffer to copy the objects to
 * @param range The range to copy
- (void)getObjects: (ObjectType __unsafe_unretained _Nonnull *_Nonnull)buffer
	   inRange: (of_range_t)range;

 * @brief Returns the objects of the array as a C array.
 * @return The objects of the array as a C array
- (ObjectType const __unsafe_unretained _Nonnull *_Nonnull)objects;

 * @brief Returns the index of the first object that is equivalent to the
 *	  specified object or `OF_NOT_FOUND` if it was not found.
 * @param object The object whose index is returned
 * @return The index of the first object equivalent to the specified object
 *	   or `OF_NOT_FOUND` if it was not found
- (size_t)indexOfObject: (ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Returns the index of the first object that has the same address as the
 *	  specified object or `OF_NOT_FOUND` if it was not found.
 * @param object The object whose index is returned
 * @return The index of the first object that has the same aaddress as
 *	   the specified object or `OF_NOT_FOUND` if it was not found
- (size_t)indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: (ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Checks whether the array contains an object equal to the specified
 *	  object.
 * @param object The object which is checked for being in the array
 * @return A boolean whether the array contains the specified object
- (bool)containsObject: (nullable ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Checks whether the array contains an object with the specified
 *	  address.
 * @param object The object which is checked for being in the array
 * @return A boolean whether the array contains an object with the specified
 *	   address
- (bool)containsObjectIdenticalTo: (nullable ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Returns the first object of the array or `nil`.
 * @warning The returned object is *not* retained and autoreleased for
 *	    performance reasons!
 * @return The first object of the array or `nil`
- (nullable ObjectType)firstObject;

 * @brief Returns the last object of the array or `nil`.
 * @warning The returned object is *not* retained and autoreleased for
 *	    performance reasons!
 * @return The last object of the array or `nil`
- (nullable ObjectType)lastObject;

 * @brief Returns the objects in the specified range as a new OFArray.
 * @param range The range for the subarray
 * @return The subarray as a new autoreleased OFArray
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)objectsInRange: (of_range_t)range;

 * @brief Creates a string by joining all objects of the array.
 * @param separator The string with which the objects should be joined
 * @return A string containing all objects joined by the separator
- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator;

 * @brief Creates a string by joining all objects of the array.
 * @param separator The string with which the objects should be joined
 * @param options Options according to which the objects should be joined.@n
 *		  Possible values are:
 *		  Value                 | Description
 *		  ----------------------|----------------------
 * 		  `OF_ARRAY_SKIP_EMPTY` | Skip empty components
 * @return A string containing all objects joined by the separator
- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
			      options: (int)options;

 * @brief Creates a string by calling the selector on all objects of the array
 *	  and joining the strings returned by calling the selector.
 * @param separator The string with which the objects should be joined
 * @param selector The selector to perform on the objects
 * @return A string containing all objects joined by the separator
- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
			usingSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * @brief Creates a string by calling the selector on all objects of the array
 *	  and joining the strings returned by calling the selector.
 * @param separator The string with which the objects should be joined
 * @param selector The selector to perform on the objects
 * @param options Options according to which the objects should be joined.@n
 *		  Possible values are:
 *		  Value                 | Description
 *		  ----------------------|----------------------
 * 		  `OF_ARRAY_SKIP_EMPTY` | Skip empty components
 * @return A string containing all objects joined by the separator
- (OFString*)componentsJoinedByString: (OFString*)separator
			usingSelector: (SEL)selector
			      options: (int)options;

 * @brief Performs the specified selector on all objects in the array.
 * @param selector The selector to perform on all objects in the array
- (void)makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * @brief Performs the specified selector on all objects in the array with the
 *	  specified object.
 * @param selector The selector to perform on all objects in the array
 * @param object The object to perform the selector with on all objects in the
 *	      array
- (void)makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)selector
			withObject: (nullable id)object;

 * @brief Returns a sorted copy of the array.
 * @return A sorted copy of the array
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)sortedArray;

 * @brief Returns a sorted copy of the array.
 * @param options The options to use when sorting the array.@n
 *		  Possible values are:
 *		  Value                      | Description
 *		  ---------------------------|-------------------------
 *		  `OF_ARRAY_SORT_DESCENDING` | Sort in descending order
 * @return A sorted copy of the array
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)sortedArrayWithOptions: (int)options;

 * @brief Returns a copy of the array with the order reversed.
 * @return A copy of the array with the order reversed
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)reversedArray;

 * @brief Creates a new array with the specified object added.
 * @param object The object to add
 * @return A new array with the specified object added
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)arrayByAddingObject: (ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Creates a new array with the objects from the specified array added.
 * @param array The array with objects to add
 * @return A new array with the objects from the specified array added
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:
    (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)array;

 * @brief Creates a new array with the specified object removed.
 * @param object The object to remove
 * @return A new array with the specified object removed
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)arrayByRemovingObject: (ObjectType)object;

 * @brief Returns an OFEnumerator to enumerate through all objects of the
 *	  array.
 * @returns An OFEnumerator to enumerate through all objects of the array
- (OFEnumerator OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)objectEnumerator;

 * @brief Executes a block for each object.
 * @param block The block to execute for each object
- (void)enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: (of_array_enumeration_block_t)block;

 * @brief Creates a new array, mapping each object using the specified block.
 * @param block A block which maps an object for each object
 * @return A new, autoreleased OFArray
- (OFArray*)mappedArrayUsingBlock: (of_array_map_block_t)block;

 * @brief Creates a new array, only containing the objects for which the block
 *	  returns true.
 * @param block A block which determines if the object should be in the new
 *		array
 * @return A new, autoreleased OFArray
- (OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType)*)filteredArrayUsingBlock:

 * @brief Folds the array to a single object using the specified block.
 * If the array is empty, it will return `nil`.
 * If there is only one object in the array, that object will be returned and
 * the block will not be invoked.
 * If there are at least two objects, the block is invoked for each object
 * except the first, where left is always to what the array has already been
 * folded and right what should be added to left.
 * @param block A block which folds two objects into one, which is called for
 *		all objects except the first
 * @return The array folded to a single object
- (nullable id)foldUsingBlock: (of_array_fold_block_t)block;
#if !defined(OF_HAVE_GENERICS) && !defined(DOXYGEN)
# undef ObjectType

@interface OFArrayEnumerator: OFEnumerator
	OFArray	      *_array;
	size_t	      _count;
	unsigned long _mutations;
	unsigned long *_mutationsPtr;
	size_t	      _position;

- initWithArray: (OFArray*)data
   mutationsPtr: (unsigned long *_Nullable)mutationsPtr;


#import "OFMutableArray.h"

/* Required for array literals to work */
@compatibility_alias NSArray OFArray;