ObjFW  Artifact [723d9a0843]

Artifact 723d9a084373539dc4086028781edffb1aa215c9d97be9c6bf949a907cede3d9:

  • File tests/OFArrayTests.m — part of check-in [e1e7ffa903] at 2011-09-22 23:25:42 on branch trunk — Exceptions are now autoreleased.

    This is safe as an "exception loop" can't happen, since if allocating
    an exception fails, it throws an OFAllocFailedException which is
    preallocated and can always be thrown.

    So, the worst case would be that an autorelease of an exception fails,
    triggering an OFOutOfMemoryException for which there is no memory,
    resulting in an OFAllocFailedException to be thrown. (user: js, size: 8249) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#import "OFArray.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFAutoreleasePool.h"

#import "OFEnumerationMutationException.h"
#import "OFOutOfRangeException.h"

#import "TestsAppDelegate.h"

static OFString *module = @"OFArray";
static OFString *c_ary[] = {

@implementation TestsAppDelegate (OFArrayTests)
- (void)arrayTests
	OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
	OFArray *a[3];
	OFMutableArray *m[2];
	OFEnumerator *enumerator;
	id obj;
	BOOL ok;
	size_t i;

	TEST(@"+[array]", (m[0] = [OFMutableArray array]))

	    (a[0] = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"Foo", @"Bar", @"Baz", nil]))

	TEST(@"+[arrayWithCArray:]", (a[1] = [OFArray arrayWithCArray: c_ary]))

	    (a[2] = [OFArray arrayWithCArray: c_ary
				      length: 3]) &&
	    [a[2] isEqual: a[1]])

	    [[a[0] description ]isEqual: @"(\n\tFoo,\n\tBar,\n\tBaz\n)"])

	TEST(@"-[addObject:]", R([m[0] addObject: c_ary[0]]) &&
	    R([m[0] addObject: c_ary[2]]))

	TEST(@"-[addObject:atIndex:]", R([m[0] addObject: c_ary[1]
						 atIndex: 1]))

	TEST(@"-[count]", [m[0] count] == 3 && [a[0] count] == 3 &&
	    [a[1] count] == 3)

	TEST(@"-[isEqual:]", [m[0] isEqual: a[0]] && [a[0] isEqual: a[1]])

	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[1]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]] &&
	    [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[1]] &&
	    [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]] &&
	    [[a[1] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[a[1] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[1]] &&
	    [[a[1] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]])

	    [a[0] containsObject: c_ary[1]] == YES &&
	    [a[0] containsObject: @"nonexistant"] == NO)

	    [a[0] containsObjectIdenticalTo: c_ary[1]] == YES &&
	    [a[0] containsObjectIdenticalTo:
	    [OFString stringWithString: c_ary[1]]] == NO)

	TEST(@"-[indexOfObject:]", [a[0] indexOfObject: c_ary[1]] == 1)

	    [a[1] indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: c_ary[1]] == 1)

	    [[a[0] objectsInRange: of_range(1, 2)] isEqual:
	    ([OFArray arrayWithObjects: c_ary[1], c_ary[2], nil])])

	    R([m[0] replaceObject: c_ary[1]
		       withObject: c_ary[0]]) &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]])

	    R([m[0] replaceObjectIdenticalTo: c_ary[0]
				  withObject: c_ary[1]]) &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[1]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]])

	    R([m[0] replaceObjectAtIndex: 0
			      withObject: c_ary[0]]) &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[0]] &&
	    [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]])

	    R([m[0] removeObject: c_ary[0]]) && [m[0] count] == 2)

	    R([m[0] removeObjectIdenticalTo: c_ary[2]]) && [m[0] count] == 1)

	[m[0] addObject: c_ary[0]];
	[m[0] addObject: c_ary[1]];
	TEST(@"-[removeNObjects:]", R([m[0] removeNObjects: 2]) &&
	    [m[0] count] == 1 && [[m[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]])

	m[1] = [[a[0] mutableCopy] autorelease];
	TEST(@"-[removeObjectAtIndex:]", R([m[1] removeObjectAtIndex: 1]) &&
	    [m[1] count] == 2 && [[m[1] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[2]])

	m[1] = [[a[0] mutableCopy] autorelease];
	    R([m[1] removeObjectsInRange: of_range(0, 2)]) &&
	    [m[1] count] == 1 && [[m[1] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[2]])

	EXPECT_EXCEPTION(@"Detect out of range in -[objectAtIndex:]",
	    OFOutOfRangeException, [a[0] objectAtIndex: [a[0] count]])

	EXPECT_EXCEPTION(@"Detect out of range in -[removeNObjects:]",
	    OFOutOfRangeException, [m[0] removeNObjects: [m[0] count] + 1])

	    (a[1] = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", nil]) &&
	    [[a[1] componentsJoinedByString: @" "] isEqual: @"foo bar baz"] &&
	    (a[1] = [OFArray arrayWithObject: @"foo"]) &&
	    [[a[1] componentsJoinedByString: @" "] isEqual: @"foo"])

	m[0] = [[a[0] mutableCopy] autorelease];
	ok = YES;
	i = 0;

	TEST(@"-[objectEnumerator]", (enumerator = [m[0] objectEnumerator]))

	while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
		if (![obj isEqual: c_ary[i]])
			ok = NO;
		[m[0] replaceObjectAtIndex: i
				withObject: @""];

	if ([m[0] count] != i)
		ok = NO;

	TEST(@"OFEnumerator's -[nextObject]", ok)

	[enumerator reset];
	[m[0] removeObjectAtIndex: 0];

	EXPECT_EXCEPTION(@"Detection of mutation during enumeration",
	    OFEnumerationMutationException, [enumerator nextObject])

	m[0] = [[a[0] mutableCopy] autorelease];
	ok = YES;
	i = 0;

	for (OFString *s in m[0]) {
		if (![s isEqual: c_ary[i]])
			ok = NO;
		[m[0] replaceObjectAtIndex: i
				withObject: @""];

	if ([m[0] count] != i)
		ok = NO;

	TEST(@"Fast Enumeration", ok)

	[m[0] replaceObjectAtIndex: 0
			withObject: c_ary[0]];
	[m[0] replaceObjectAtIndex: 1
			withObject: c_ary[1]];
	[m[0] replaceObjectAtIndex: 2
			withObject: c_ary[2]];

	ok = NO;
	i = 0;
	@try {
		for (OFString *s in m[0]) {
			if (i == 0)
				[m[0] addObject: @""];
	} @catch (OFEnumerationMutationException *e) {
		ok = YES;

	TEST(@"Detection of mutation during Fast Enumeration", ok)

	[m[0] removeNObjects: 1];

		__block BOOL ok = YES;
		__block size_t count = 0;
		OFArray *cmp = a[0];
		OFMutableArray *a2;

		m[0] = [[a[0] mutableCopy] autorelease];
		[m[0] enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:
		    ^ (id obj, size_t idx, BOOL *stop) {
			    if (![obj isEqual: [cmp objectAtIndex: idx]])
				    ok = NO;

		if (count != [cmp count])
			ok = NO;

		TEST(@"Enumeration using blocks", ok)

		ok = NO;
		a2 = m[0];
		@try {
			[a2 enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:
			    ^ (id obj, size_t idx, BOOL *stop) {
				[a2 removeObjectAtIndex: idx];
		} @catch (OFEnumerationMutationException *e) {
			ok = YES;
		} @catch (OFOutOfRangeException *e) {
			 * Out of bounds access due to enumeration not being
			 * detected.

		TEST(@"Detection of mutation during enumeration using blocks",

	    R([m[0] replaceObjectsUsingBlock:
	    ^ id (id obj, size_t idx, BOOL *stop) {
		switch (idx) {
		case 0:
			return @"foo";
		case 1:
			return @"bar";

		return nil;
		}]) && [[m[0] description] isEqual: @"(\n\tfoo,\n\tbar\n)"])

	    [[[m[0] mappedArrayUsingBlock: ^ id (id obj, size_t idx) {
		switch (idx) {
		case 0:
			return @"foobar";
		case 1:
			return @"qux";

		return nil;
	    }] description] isEqual: @"(\n\tfoobar,\n\tqux\n)"])

	   [[[m[0] filteredArrayUsingBlock: ^ BOOL (id obj, size_t idx) {
		return ([obj isEqual: @"foo"] ? YES : NO);
	    }] description] isEqual: @"(\n\tfoo\n)"])

	    [([OFArray arrayWithObjects: [OFMutableString string], @"foo",
	    @"bar", @"baz", nil]) foldUsingBlock: ^ id (id left, id right) {
		[left appendString: right];
		return left;

	[pool drain];