ObjFW  Artifact [678b6e28e1]

Artifact 678b6e28e1a9879f76fb82273d18fee5a363b7adc101a6c34272ac9d328a33dc:

  • File src/OFObject.m — part of check-in [fe2cbe0021] at 2018-04-22 16:13:04 on branch trunk — runtime: Define BOOL to be the same as bool

    As we define the ABI, we can just replace BOOL with bool everywhere,
    including in ObjFW itself. For the Apple platforms where BOOL and bool
    are different, this is not a problem as BOOL and bool are passed and
    returned the same way in the ABI.

    This still defines BOOL to bool for compatibility, except on AmigaOS and
    Wii, which both have its own BOOL type. (user: js, size: 30347) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
 *               2018
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@heap.zone>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <assert.h>

#include <sys/time.h>

# include <dlfcn.h>

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFArray.h"
#import "OFLocalization.h"
#import "OFMethodSignature.h"
#import "OFRunLoop.h"
#import "OFThread.h"
#import "OFTimer.h"

#import "OFAllocFailedException.h"
#import "OFEnumerationMutationException.h"
#import "OFInitializationFailedException.h"
#import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h"
#import "OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException.h"
#import "OFNotImplementedException.h"
#import "OFOutOfMemoryException.h"
#import "OFOutOfRangeException.h"

#if defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME) && __OBJC2__
# import <objc/objc-exception.h>
#elif defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
# import "ObjFW_RT.h"

# include <windows.h>

#import "OFString.h"

#import "instance.h"
#if defined(OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS)
# import "atomic.h"
#elif defined(OF_HAVE_THREADS)
# import "threading.h"

extern id of_forward(id, SEL, ...);
extern struct stret of_forward_stret(id, SEL, ...);
# define of_forward of_method_not_found
# define of_forward_stret of_method_not_found_stret

struct pre_ivar {
	int retainCount;
#if !defined(OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS) && defined(OF_HAVE_THREADS)
	of_spinlock_t retainCountSpinlock;
	struct pre_mem *firstMem, *lastMem;

struct pre_mem {
	struct pre_mem *prev, *next;
	id owner;

#define PRE_IVARS_ALIGN ((sizeof(struct pre_ivar) + \
#define PRE_IVARS ((struct pre_ivar *)(void *)((char *)self - PRE_IVARS_ALIGN))

#define PRE_MEM_ALIGN ((sizeof(struct pre_mem) + \
#define PRE_MEM(mem) ((struct pre_mem *)(void *)((char *)mem - PRE_MEM_ALIGN))

static struct {
	Class isa;
} allocFailedException;

uint32_t of_hash_seed;

static const char *
typeEncodingForSelector(Class class, SEL selector)
#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	return class_getMethodTypeEncoding(class, selector);
	Method m;

	if ((m = class_getInstanceMethod(class, selector)) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return method_getTypeEncoding(m);

#if !defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME) || defined(__OBJC2__)
static void
uncaughtExceptionHandler(id exception)
	OFString *description = [exception description];
	OFArray *backtrace = nil;
	of_string_encoding_t encoding = [OFLocalization encoding];

	fprintf(stderr, "\nRuntime error: Unhandled exception:\n%s\n",
	    [description cStringWithEncoding: encoding]);

	if ([exception respondsToSelector: @selector(backtrace)])
		backtrace = [exception backtrace];

	if (backtrace != nil) {
		OFString *s = [backtrace componentsJoinedByString: @"\n  "];
		fprintf(stderr, "\nBacktrace:\n  %s\n\n",
		    [s cStringWithEncoding: encoding]);


static void
enumerationMutationHandler(id object)
	@throw [OFEnumerationMutationException exceptionWithObject: object];

of_method_not_found(id obj, SEL sel)
	[obj doesNotRecognizeSelector: sel];

	 * Just in case doesNotRecognizeSelector: returned, even though it must
	 * never return.

of_method_not_found_stret(void *st, id obj, SEL sel)
	of_method_not_found(obj, sel);

of_alloc_object(Class class, size_t extraSize, size_t extraAlignment,
    void **extra)
	OFObject *instance;
	size_t instanceSize;

	instanceSize = class_getInstanceSize(class);

	if OF_UNLIKELY (extraAlignment > 1)
		extraAlignment = ((instanceSize + extraAlignment - 1) &
		    ~(extraAlignment - 1)) - extraAlignment;

	instance = malloc(PRE_IVARS_ALIGN + instanceSize +
	    extraAlignment + extraSize);

	if OF_UNLIKELY (instance == nil) {
		allocFailedException.isa = [OFAllocFailedException class];
		@throw (id)&allocFailedException;

	((struct pre_ivar *)instance)->retainCount = 1;
	((struct pre_ivar *)instance)->firstMem = NULL;
	((struct pre_ivar *)instance)->lastMem = NULL;

#if !defined(OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS) && defined(OF_HAVE_THREADS)
	if OF_UNLIKELY (!of_spinlock_new(
	    &((struct pre_ivar *)instance)->retainCountSpinlock)) {
		@throw [OFInitializationFailedException
		    exceptionWithClass: class];

	instance = (OFObject *)(void *)((char *)instance + PRE_IVARS_ALIGN);

	memset(instance, 0, instanceSize);

	if (!objc_constructInstance(class, instance)) {
		free((char *)instance - PRE_IVARS_ALIGN);
		@throw [OFInitializationFailedException
		    exceptionWithClass: class];

	if OF_UNLIKELY (extra != NULL)
		*extra = (char *)instance + instanceSize + extraAlignment;

	return instance;

const char *
_NSPrintForDebugger(id object)
	return [[object description]
	    cStringWithEncoding: [OFLocalization encoding]];

/* References for static linking */
	_OFObject_KeyValueCoding_reference = 1;
	_OFObject_Serialization_reference = 1;

@implementation OFObject
+ (void)load
#if !defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME) || defined(__OBJC2__)

#if defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	 * If the NSFoundationVersionNumber symbol is defined, we are linked
	 * against Foundation. Since CoreFoundation sets its own forward
	 * handler on load, we should not set ours, as this will break
	 * Foundation.
	 * Unfortunately, there is no way to check if a forward handler has
	 * already been set, so this is the best we can do.
	if (dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "NSFoundationVersionNumber") == NULL)
		objc_setForwardHandler((void *)&of_forward,
		    (void *)&of_forward_stret);
	objc_setForwardHandler((IMP)&of_forward, (IMP)&of_forward_stret);


	of_hash_seed = 0;
	while (of_hash_seed == 0) {
#if defined(HAVE_ARC4RANDOM)
		of_hash_seed = arc4random();
#elif defined(HAVE_RANDOM)
		struct timeval t;
		gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
		srandom((unsigned)(t.tv_sec ^ t.tv_usec));
		of_hash_seed = (uint32_t)((random() << 16) |
		    (random() & 0xFFFF));
		struct timeval t;
		gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
		srand((unsigned)(t.tv_sec ^ t.tv_usec));
		of_hash_seed = (uint32_t)((rand() << 16) | (rand() & 0xFFFF));

+ (void)unload

+ (void)initialize

+ (instancetype)alloc
	return of_alloc_object(self, 0, 0, NULL);

+ (instancetype)new
	return [[self alloc] init];

+ (Class)class
	return self;

+ (OFString *)className
	return [OFString stringWithCString: class_getName(self)
				  encoding: OF_STRING_ENCODING_ASCII];

+ (bool)isSubclassOfClass: (Class)class
	for (Class iter = self; iter != Nil; iter = class_getSuperclass(iter))
		if (iter == class)
			return true;

	return false;

+ (Class)superclass
	return class_getSuperclass(self);

+ (bool)instancesRespondToSelector: (SEL)selector
	return class_respondsToSelector(self, selector);

+ (bool)conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)protocol
	Class c;

	for (c = self; c != Nil; c = class_getSuperclass(c))
		if (class_conformsToProtocol(c, protocol))
			return true;

	return false;

+ (IMP)instanceMethodForSelector: (SEL)selector
	return class_getMethodImplementation(self, selector);

+ (OFMethodSignature *)instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)selector
	const char *typeEncoding = typeEncodingForSelector(self, selector);

	if (typeEncoding == NULL)
		return nil;

	return [OFMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: typeEncoding];

+ (OFString *)description
	return [self className];

+ (IMP)replaceClassMethod: (SEL)selector
      withMethodFromClass: (Class)class
	IMP method = [class methodForSelector: selector];

	if (method == NULL)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	return class_replaceMethod(object_getClass(self), selector, method,
	    typeEncodingForSelector(object_getClass(class), selector));

+ (IMP)replaceInstanceMethod: (SEL)selector
	 withMethodFromClass: (Class)class
	IMP method = [class instanceMethodForSelector: selector];

	if (method == NULL)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	return class_replaceMethod(self, selector, method,
	    typeEncodingForSelector(class, selector));

+ (void)inheritMethodsFromClass: (Class)class
	Class superclass = [self superclass];

	if ([self isSubclassOfClass: class])

#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	for (struct objc_method_list *methodlist =
	    methodlist != NULL; methodlist = methodlist->next) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < methodlist->count; i++) {
			SEL selector = (SEL)&methodlist->methods[i].sel;

			 * Don't replace methods implemented in the receiving
			 * class.
			if ([self methodForSelector: selector] !=
			    [superclass methodForSelector: selector])

			[self replaceClassMethod: selector
			     withMethodFromClass: class];

	for (struct objc_method_list *methodlist = class->methodlist;
	    methodlist != NULL; methodlist = methodlist->next) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < methodlist->count; i++) {
			SEL selector = (SEL)&methodlist->methods[i].sel;

			 * Don't replace methods implemented in the receiving
			 * class.
			if ([self instanceMethodForSelector: selector] !=
			    [superclass instanceMethodForSelector: selector])

			[self replaceInstanceMethod: selector
				withMethodFromClass: class];
#elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	Method *methodList;
	unsigned int count;

	methodList = class_copyMethodList(object_getClass(class), &count);
	@try {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			SEL selector = method_getName(methodList[i]);

			 * Don't replace methods implemented in the receiving
			 * class.
			if ([self methodForSelector: selector] !=
			    [superclass methodForSelector: selector])

			[self replaceClassMethod: selector
			     withMethodFromClass: class];
	} @finally {

	methodList = class_copyMethodList(class, &count);
	@try {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			SEL selector = method_getName(methodList[i]);

			 * Don't replace methods implemented in the receiving
			 * class.
			if ([self instanceMethodForSelector: selector] !=
			    [superclass instanceMethodForSelector: selector])

			[self replaceInstanceMethod: selector
				withMethodFromClass: class];
	} @finally {

	[self inheritMethodsFromClass: superclass];

+ (bool)resolveClassMethod: (SEL)selector
	return NO;

+ (bool)resolveInstanceMethod: (SEL)selector
	return NO;

- (instancetype)init
	return self;

- (Class)class
	return object_getClass(self);

- (Class)superclass
	return class_getSuperclass(object_getClass(self));

- (OFString *)className
	return [OFString stringWithCString: object_getClassName(self)
				  encoding: OF_STRING_ENCODING_ASCII];

- (bool)isKindOfClass: (Class)class
	for (Class iter = object_getClass(self); iter != Nil;
	    iter = class_getSuperclass(iter))
		if (iter == class)
			return true;

	return false;

- (bool)isMemberOfClass: (Class)class
	return (object_getClass(self) == class);

- (bool)respondsToSelector: (SEL)selector
	return class_respondsToSelector(object_getClass(self), selector);

- (bool)conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)protocol
	return [object_getClass(self) conformsToProtocol: protocol];

- (IMP)methodForSelector: (SEL)selector
	return class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(self), selector);

- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL) = (id (*)(id, SEL))objc_msg_lookup(self, selector);
#elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL) = (id (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend;

	return imp(self, selector);

- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	   withObject: (id)object
#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id) =
	    (id (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msg_lookup(self, selector);
#elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id) = (id (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend;

	return imp(self, selector, object);

- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	   withObject: (id)object1
	   withObject: (id)object2
#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id, id) =
	    (id (*)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msg_lookup(self, selector);
#elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id, id) = (id (*)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend;

	return imp(self, selector, object1, object2);

- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	   withObject: (id)object1
	   withObject: (id)object2
	   withObject: (id)object3
#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id, id, id) =
	    (id (*)(id, SEL, id, id, id))objc_msg_lookup(self, selector);
#elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id, id, id) =
	    (id (*)(id, SEL, id, id, id))objc_msgSend;

	return imp(self, selector, object1, object2, object3);

- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	   withObject: (id)object1
	   withObject: (id)object2
	   withObject: (id)object3
	   withObject: (id)object4
#if defined(OF_OBJFW_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id, id, id, id) =
	    (id (*)(id, SEL, id, id, id, id))objc_msg_lookup(self, selector);
#elif defined(OF_APPLE_RUNTIME)
	id (*imp)(id, SEL, id, id, id, id) =
	    (id (*)(id, SEL, id, id, id, id))objc_msgSend;

	return imp(self, selector, object1, object2, object3, object4);

- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[OFTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: delay
					 target: self
				       selector: selector
					repeats: false];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	     withObject: (id)object
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[OFTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: delay
					 target: self
				       selector: selector
					 object: object
					repeats: false];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[OFTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: delay
					 target: self
				       selector: selector
					 object: object1
					 object: object2
					repeats: false];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     withObject: (id)object3
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[OFTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: delay
					 target: self
				       selector: selector
					 object: object1
					 object: object2
					 object: object3
					repeats: false];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     withObject: (id)object3
	     withObject: (id)object4
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[OFTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: delay
					 target: self
				       selector: selector
					 object: object1
					 object: object2
					 object: object3
					 object: object4
					repeats: false];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	  waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						repeats: false];
	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object
	  waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object
						repeats: false];
	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	  waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object1
						 object: object2
						repeats: false];
	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     withObject: (id)object3
	  waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object1
						 object: object2
						 object: object3
						repeats: false];
	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     withObject: (id)object3
	     withObject: (id)object4
	  waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object1
						 object: object2
						 object: object3
						 object: object4
						repeats: false];
	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)selector
		      waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						repeats: false];
	[[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)selector
			 withObject: (id)object
		      waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object
						repeats: false];
	[[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)selector
			 withObject: (id)object1
			 withObject: (id)object2
		      waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object1
						 object: object2
						repeats: false];
	[[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)selector
			 withObject: (id)object1
			 withObject: (id)object2
			 withObject: (id)object3
		      waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object1
						 object: object2
						 object: object3
						repeats: false];
	[[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)selector
			 withObject: (id)object1
			 withObject: (id)object2
			 withObject: (id)object3
			 withObject: (id)object4
		      waitUntilDone: (bool)waitUntilDone
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0
						 target: self
					       selector: selector
						 object: object1
						 object: object2
						 object: object3
						 object: object4
						repeats: false];
	[[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer];

	if (waitUntilDone)
		[timer waitUntilDone];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: delay
							    target: self
							  selector: selector
							   repeats: false]];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: delay
							    target: self
							  selector: selector
							    object: object
							   repeats: false]];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: delay
							    target: self
							  selector: selector
							    object: object1
							    object: object2
							   repeats: false]];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     withObject: (id)object3
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: delay
							    target: self
							  selector: selector
							    object: object1
							    object: object2
							    object: object3
							   repeats: false]];


- (void)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	       onThread: (OFThread *)thread
	     withObject: (id)object1
	     withObject: (id)object2
	     withObject: (id)object3
	     withObject: (id)object4
	     afterDelay: (of_time_interval_t)delay
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[[thread runLoop] addTimer: [OFTimer timerWithTimeInterval: delay
							    target: self
							  selector: selector
							    object: object1
							    object: object2
							    object: object3
							    object: object4
							   repeats: false]];


- (OFMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)selector
	const char *typeEncoding =
	    typeEncodingForSelector(object_getClass(self), selector);

	if (typeEncoding == NULL)
		return nil;

	return [OFMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: typeEncoding];

- (bool)isEqual: (id)object
	return (object == self);

- (uint32_t)hash
	uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)self;
	uint32_t hash;


	for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ptr); i++) {
		OF_HASH_ADD(hash, ptr & 0xFF);
		ptr >>= 8;


	return hash;

- (OFString *)description
	/* Classes containing data should reimplement this! */

	return [OFString stringWithFormat: @"<%@>", [self className]];

- (void *)allocMemoryWithSize: (size_t)size
	void *pointer;
	struct pre_mem *preMem;

	if OF_UNLIKELY (size == 0)
		return NULL;

		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	if OF_UNLIKELY ((pointer = malloc(PRE_MEM_ALIGN + size)) == NULL)
		@throw [OFOutOfMemoryException
		    exceptionWithRequestedSize: size];
	preMem = pointer;

	preMem->owner = self;
	preMem->prev = PRE_IVARS->lastMem;
	preMem->next = NULL;

	if OF_LIKELY (PRE_IVARS->lastMem != NULL)
		PRE_IVARS->lastMem->next = preMem;

		PRE_IVARS->firstMem = preMem;
	PRE_IVARS->lastMem = preMem;

	return (char *)pointer + PRE_MEM_ALIGN;

- (void *)allocMemoryWithSize: (size_t)size
			count: (size_t)count
	if OF_UNLIKELY (count > SIZE_MAX / size)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	return [self allocMemoryWithSize: size * count];

- (void *)resizeMemory: (void *)pointer
		  size: (size_t)size
	void *new;
	struct pre_mem *preMem;

	if OF_UNLIKELY (pointer == NULL)
		return [self allocMemoryWithSize: size];

	if OF_UNLIKELY (size == 0) {
		[self freeMemory: pointer];
		return NULL;

	if OF_UNLIKELY (PRE_MEM(pointer)->owner != self)
		@throw [OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException
		    exceptionWithPointer: pointer
				  object: self];

	if OF_UNLIKELY ((new = realloc(PRE_MEM(pointer),
	    PRE_MEM_ALIGN + size)) == NULL)
		@throw [OFOutOfMemoryException
		    exceptionWithRequestedSize: size];
	preMem = new;

	if OF_UNLIKELY (preMem != PRE_MEM(pointer)) {
		if OF_LIKELY (preMem->prev != NULL)
			preMem->prev->next = preMem;
		if OF_LIKELY (preMem->next != NULL)
			preMem->next->prev = preMem;

		if OF_UNLIKELY (PRE_IVARS->firstMem == PRE_MEM(pointer))
			PRE_IVARS->firstMem = preMem;
		if OF_UNLIKELY (PRE_IVARS->lastMem == PRE_MEM(pointer))
			PRE_IVARS->lastMem = preMem;

	return (char *)new + PRE_MEM_ALIGN;

- (void *)resizeMemory: (void *)pointer
		  size: (size_t)size
		 count: (size_t)count
	if OF_UNLIKELY (pointer == NULL)
		return [self allocMemoryWithSize: size
					   count: count];

	if OF_UNLIKELY (size == 0 || count == 0) {
		[self freeMemory: pointer];
		return NULL;

	if OF_UNLIKELY (count > SIZE_MAX / size)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	return [self resizeMemory: pointer
			     size: size * count];

- (void)freeMemory: (void *)pointer
	if OF_UNLIKELY (pointer == NULL)

	if OF_UNLIKELY (PRE_MEM(pointer)->owner != self)
		@throw [OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException
		    exceptionWithPointer: pointer
				  object: self];

	if OF_LIKELY (PRE_MEM(pointer)->prev != NULL)
		PRE_MEM(pointer)->prev->next = PRE_MEM(pointer)->next;
	if OF_LIKELY (PRE_MEM(pointer)->next != NULL)
		PRE_MEM(pointer)->next->prev = PRE_MEM(pointer)->prev;

	if OF_UNLIKELY (PRE_IVARS->firstMem == PRE_MEM(pointer))
		PRE_IVARS->firstMem = PRE_MEM(pointer)->next;
	if OF_UNLIKELY (PRE_IVARS->lastMem == PRE_MEM(pointer))
		PRE_IVARS->lastMem = PRE_MEM(pointer)->prev;

	/* To detect double-free */
	PRE_MEM(pointer)->owner = nil;


- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector: (SEL)selector
	return nil;

- (void)doesNotRecognizeSelector: (SEL)selector
	@throw [OFNotImplementedException exceptionWithSelector: selector
							 object: self];

- (instancetype)retain
#if defined(OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS)

	return self;

- (unsigned int)retainCount
	assert(PRE_IVARS->retainCount >= 0);
	return PRE_IVARS->retainCount;

- (void)release
#if defined(OF_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS)

	if (of_atomic_int_dec(&PRE_IVARS->retainCount) <= 0) {

		[self dealloc];
	size_t c;

	c = --PRE_IVARS->retainCount;

	if (c == 0)
		[self dealloc];

- (instancetype)autorelease
	return _objc_rootAutorelease(self);

- (instancetype)self
	return self;

- (bool)isProxy
	return false;

- (bool)allowsWeakReference
	return true;

- (bool)retainWeakReference
	[self retain];

	return true;

- (void)dealloc
	struct pre_mem *iter;


	iter = PRE_IVARS->firstMem;
	while (iter != NULL) {
		struct pre_mem *next = iter->next;

		 * We can use owner as a sentinel to prevent exploitation in
		 * case there is a buffer underflow somewhere.
		OF_ENSURE(iter->owner == self);


		iter = next;

	free((char *)self - PRE_IVARS_ALIGN);

/* Required to use properties with the Apple runtime */
- (id)copyWithZone: (void *)zone
	if OF_UNLIKELY (zone != NULL) {
		[self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];

	return [(id)self copy];

- (id)mutableCopyWithZone: (void *)zone
	if OF_UNLIKELY (zone != NULL) {
		[self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];

	return [(id)self mutableCopy];

 * Those are needed as the root class is the superclass of the root class's
 * metaclass and thus instance methods can be sent to class objects as well.
+ (void *)allocMemoryWithSize: (size_t)size

+ (void *)allocMemoryWithSize: (size_t)size
		       count: (size_t)count

+ (void *)resizeMemory: (void *)pointer
		  size: (size_t)size

+ (void *)resizeMemory: (void *)pointer
		  size: (size_t)size
		 count: (size_t)count

+ (void)freeMemory: (void *)pointer

+ (id)retain
	return self;

+ (id)autorelease
	return self;

+ (unsigned int)retainCount

+ (void)release

+ (void)dealloc

+ (id)copy
	return self;

+ (id)mutableCopyWithZone: (void *)zone

/* Required to use ObjFW from Swift */
+ (instancetype)allocWithZone: (void *)zone
	if OF_UNLIKELY (zone != NULL) {
		[self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];

	return [self alloc];