ObjFW  Artifact [66f489833f]

Artifact 66f489833ff35b0ca70d735918c7164bc1cb7a596ac03f305807db17f0eb705a:

  • File src/OFHTTPRequest.m — part of check-in [e1e7ffa903] at 2011-09-22 23:25:42 on branch trunk — Exceptions are now autoreleased.

    This is safe as an "exception loop" can't happen, since if allocating
    an exception fails, it throws an OFAllocFailedException which is
    preallocated and can always be thrown.

    So, the worst case would be that an autorelease of an exception fails,
    triggering an OFOutOfMemoryException for which there is no memory,
    resulting in an OFAllocFailedException to be thrown. (user: js, size: 10086) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"


#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#import "OFHTTPRequest.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFURL.h"
#import "OFTCPSocket.h"
#import "OFDictionary.h"
#import "OFDataArray.h"
#import "OFAutoreleasePool.h"

#import "OFHTTPRequestFailedException.h"
#import "OFInvalidServerReplyException.h"
#import "OFOutOfRangeException.h"
#import "OFTruncatedDataException.h"
#import "OFUnsupportedProtocolException.h"

#import "macros.h"

Class of_http_request_tls_socket_class = Nil;

static OF_INLINE void
normalize_key(OFString *key)
	uint8_t *str = (uint8_t*)[key UTF8String];
	BOOL firstLetter = YES;

	while (*str != '\0') {
		if (!isalnum(*str)) {
			firstLetter = YES;

		*str = (firstLetter ? toupper(*str) : tolower(*str));

		firstLetter = NO;

@implementation OFHTTPRequest
+ request
	return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];

+ requestWithURL: (OFURL*)URL
	return [[[self alloc] initWithURL: URL] autorelease];

- init
	self = [super init];

	headers = [[OFDictionary alloc]
	    initWithObject: @"Something using ObjFW "
		    forKey: @"User-Agent"];
	storesData = YES;

	return self;

- initWithURL: (OFURL*)URL_
	self = [self init];

	@try {
		[self setURL: URL_];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[URL release];
	[queryString release];
	[headers release];
	[(id)delegate release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)setURL: (OFURL*)URL_


- (void)setRequestType: (of_http_request_type_t)requestType_
	requestType = requestType_;

- (of_http_request_type_t)requestType
	return requestType;

- (void)setQueryString: (OFString*)queryString_
	OF_SETTER(queryString, queryString_, YES, YES)

- (OFString*)queryString
	OF_GETTER(queryString, YES)

- (void)setHeaders: (OFDictionary*)headers_
	OF_SETTER(headers, headers_, YES, YES)

- (OFDictionary*)headers
	OF_GETTER(headers, YES)

- (void)setRedirectsFromHTTPSToHTTPAllowed: (BOOL)allowed
	redirectsFromHTTPSToHTTPAllowed = allowed;

- (BOOL)redirectsFromHTTPSToHTTPAllowed
	return redirectsFromHTTPSToHTTPAllowed;

- (void)setDelegate: (id <OFHTTPRequestDelegate>)delegate_
	OF_SETTER(delegate, delegate_, YES, NO)

- (id <OFHTTPRequestDelegate>)delegate
	OF_GETTER(delegate, YES)

- (void)setStoresData: (BOOL)storesData_
	storesData = storesData_;

- (BOOL)storesData
	return storesData;

- (OFHTTPRequestResult*)perform
	return [self performWithRedirects: 10];

- (OFHTTPRequestResult*)performWithRedirects: (size_t)redirects
	OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
	OFString *scheme = [URL scheme];
	OFTCPSocket *sock;
	OFHTTPRequestResult *result;

	if (![scheme isEqual: @"http"] && ![scheme isEqual: @"https"])
		@throw [OFUnsupportedProtocolException exceptionWithClass: isa
								      URL: URL];

	if ([scheme isEqual: @"http"])
		sock = [OFTCPSocket socket];
	else {
		if (of_http_request_tls_socket_class == Nil)
			@throw [OFUnsupportedProtocolException
			    exceptionWithClass: isa
					   URL: URL];

		sock = [[[of_http_request_tls_socket_class alloc] init]

	@try {
		OFString *line, *path;
		OFMutableDictionary *serverHeaders;
		OFDataArray *data;
		OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator, *objectEnumerator;
		OFString *key, *object, *contentLengthHeader;
		int status;
		const char *type = NULL;
		char *buffer;
		size_t bytesReceived;

		[sock connectToHost: [URL host]
			       port: [URL port]];

		 * Work around a bug with packet bisection in lighttpd when
		 * using HTTPS.
		[sock setBuffersWrites: YES];

		if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_GET)
			type = "GET";
		if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_HEAD)
			type = "HEAD";
		if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_POST)
			type = "POST";

		if ([(path = [URL path]) isEqual: @""])
			path = @"/";

		if ([URL query] != nil)
			[sock writeFormat: @"%s %@?%@ HTTP/1.0\r\n",
					   type, path, [URL query]];
			[sock writeFormat: @"%s %@ HTTP/1.0\r\n", type, path];

		if ([URL port] == 80)
			[sock writeFormat: @"Host: %@\r\n", [URL host]];
			[sock writeFormat: @"Host: %@:%d\r\n", [URL host],
					   [URL port]];

		keyEnumerator = [headers keyEnumerator];
		objectEnumerator = [headers objectEnumerator];

		while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) != nil &&
		    (object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
			[sock writeFormat: @"%@: %@\r\n", key, object];

		if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_POST) {
			if ([headers objectForKey: @"Content-Type"] == nil)
				[sock writeString: @"Content-Type: "
				    @"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; "

			if ([headers objectForKey: @"Content-Length"] == nil)
				[sock writeFormat: @"Content-Length: %d\r\n",
				    [queryString UTF8StringLength]];

		[sock writeString: @"\r\n"];

		/* Work around a bug in lighttpd, see above */
		[sock flushWriteBuffer];
		[sock setBuffersWrites: NO];

		if (requestType == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_POST)
			[sock writeString: queryString];

		 * We also need to check for HTTP/1.1 since Apache always
		 * declares the reply to be HTTP/1.1.
		line = [sock readLine];
		if (![line hasPrefix: @"HTTP/1.0 "] &&
		    ![line hasPrefix: @"HTTP/1.1 "])
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException
			    exceptionWithClass: isa];

		status = (int)[[line substringWithRange:
		    of_range(9, 3)] decimalValue];

		serverHeaders = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary];

		while ((line = [sock readLine]) != nil) {
			OFString *key, *value;
			const char *line_c = [line UTF8String], *tmp;

			if ([line isEqual: @""])

			if ((tmp = strchr(line_c, ':')) == NULL)
				@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException
				    exceptionWithClass: isa];

			key = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: line_c
						      length: tmp - line_c];

			do {
			} while (*tmp == ' ');

			value = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: tmp];

			if ((redirects > 0 && (status == 301 || status == 302 ||
			    status == 303) && [key isEqual: @"Location"]) &&
			    (redirectsFromHTTPSToHTTPAllowed ||
			    [scheme isEqual: @"http"] ||
			    ![value hasPrefix: @"http://"])) {
				OFURL *new;
				BOOL follow;

				new = [OFURL URLWithString: value
					     relativeToURL: URL];

				follow = [delegate request: self
				      willFollowRedirectTo: new];

				if (!follow && delegate != nil) {
					[serverHeaders setObject: value
							  forKey: key];

				new = [new retain];
				[URL release];
				URL = new;

				if (status == 303) {
					requestType = OF_HTTP_REQUEST_TYPE_GET;
					[queryString release];
					queryString = nil;

				[pool release];
				pool = nil;

				return [self performWithRedirects:
				    redirects - 1];

			[serverHeaders setObject: value
					  forKey: key];

		[delegate request: self
		didReceiveHeaders: serverHeaders
		   withStatusCode: status];

		if (storesData)
			data = [OFDataArray dataArray];
			data = nil;

		buffer = [self allocMemoryWithSize: of_pagesize];
		bytesReceived = 0;
		@try {
			size_t len;

			while ((len = [sock readNBytes: of_pagesize
					    intoBuffer: buffer]) > 0) {
				[delegate request: self
				   didReceiveData: buffer
				       withLength: len];

				bytesReceived += len;
				[data addNItems: len
				     fromCArray: buffer];
		} @finally {
			[self freeMemory: buffer];

		if ((contentLengthHeader =
		    [serverHeaders objectForKey: @"Content-Length"]) != nil) {
			intmax_t cl = [contentLengthHeader decimalValue];

			if (cl > SIZE_MAX)
				@throw [OFOutOfRangeException
				    exceptionWithClass: isa];

			 * We only want to throw on these status codes as we
			 * will throw an OFHTTPRequestFailedException for all
			 * other status codes later.
			if (cl != bytesReceived && (status == 200 ||
			    status == 301 || status == 302 || status == 303))
				@throw [OFTruncatedDataException
				    exceptionWithClass: isa];

		[serverHeaders makeImmutable];

		result = [[OFHTTPRequestResult alloc]
		    initWithStatusCode: status
			       headers: serverHeaders
				  data: data];

		if (status != 200 && status != 301 && status != 302 &&
		    status != 303)
			@throw [OFHTTPRequestFailedException
			    exceptionWithClass: isa
				   HTTPRequest: self
					result: result];
	} @finally {
		[pool release];

	return [result autorelease];

@implementation OFHTTPRequestResult
- initWithStatusCode: (short)status
	     headers: (OFDictionary*)headers_
		data: (OFDataArray*)data_
	self = [super init];

	statusCode = status;
	data = [data_ retain];
	headers = [headers_ copy];

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[data release];
	[headers release];

	[super dealloc];

- (short)statusCode
	return statusCode;

- (OFDictionary*)headers
	return [[headers copy] autorelease];

- (OFDataArray*)data
	return [[data retain] autorelease];

@implementation OFObject (OFHTTPRequestDelegate)
-     (void)request: (OFHTTPRequest*)request
  didReceiveHeaders: (OFDictionary*)headers
     withStatusCode: (int)statusCode

-  (void)request: (OFHTTPRequest*)request
  didReceiveData: (const char*)data
      withLength: (size_t)len

-	 (BOOL)request: (OFHTTPRequest*)request
  willFollowRedirectTo: (OFURL*)url
	return YES;