ObjFW  Artifact [5a4773192e]

Artifact 5a4773192e8b1608f1268472894d9dff364e645206201edc29164c7ddbafa7fe:

  • File src/OFObject.h — part of check-in [28170f5f65] at 2012-03-15 11:29:24 on branch trunk — Greatly improve OFObject's memory handling and performance.

    A linked-list is put before each memory chunk allocated instead of
    having an array of all memory chunks. This means only one malloc now
    instead of one malloc and one realloc. This also means that when
    checking reallocs and frees, it's no longer necessary to iterate through
    all memory chunks, as the linked list also contains the owner, meaning
    realloc and free are no longer O(n), but O(1) now.

    As allocating bigger chunks seems to be a little bit slower than smaller
    chunks, it seems that this is slightly slower in benchmarks if only very small
    chunks are allocated. However, measuring real world usage, it's a lot faster. (user: js, size: 15956) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#import "objfw-defs.h"


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>

# import <objfw-rt.h>
# import <objc/objc.h>


 * \brief A result of a comparison.
typedef enum of_comparison_result_t {
	/// The left object is smaller than the right
	/// Both objects are equal
	/// The left object is bigger than the right
} of_comparison_result_t;

 * \brief An enum for storing endianess.
typedef enum of_endianess_t {
} of_endianess_t;

 * \brief A range.
typedef struct of_range_t {
	/// The start of the range
	size_t start;
	/// The length of the range
	size_t length;
} of_range_t;

 * \brief A point.
typedef struct of_point_t {
	float x;
	float y;
} of_point_t;

 * \brief A dimension.
typedef struct of_dimension_t {
	float width;
	float height;
} of_dimension_t;

 * \brief A rectangle.
typedef struct of_rectangle_t
	of_point_t origin;
	of_dimension_t size;
} of_rectangle_t;

@class OFString;

 * \brief The protocol which all root classes implement.
@protocol OFObject
 * \brief Returns the class of the object.
 * \return The class of the object
- (Class)class;

 * \brief Returns a boolean whether the object of the specified kind.
 * \param class_ The class whose kind is checked
 * \return A boolean whether the object is of the specified kind
- (BOOL)isKindOfClass: (Class)class_;

 * \brief Returns a boolean whether the object is a member of the specified
 *	  class.
 * \param class_ The class for which the receiver is checked
 * \return A boolean whether the object is a member of the specified class
- (BOOL)isMemberOfClass: (Class)class_;

 * \brief Returns a boolean whether the object responds to the specified
 *	  selector.
 * \param selector The selector which should be checked for respondance
 * \return A boolean whether the objects responds to the specified selector
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Checks whether the object conforms to the specified protocol.
 * \param protocol The protocol which should be checked for conformance
 * \return A boolean whether the object conforms to the specified protocol
- (BOOL)conformsToProtocol: (Protocol*)protocol;

 * \brief Returns the implementation for the specified selector.
 * \param selector The selector for which the method should be returned
 * \return The implementation for the specified selector
- (IMP)methodForSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Returns the type encoding for the specified selector.
 * \param selector The selector for which the type encoding should be returned
 * \return The type encoding for the specified selector
- (const char*)typeEncodingForSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Performs the specified selector.
 * \param selector The selector to perform
 * \return The object returned by the method specified by the selector
- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Performs the specified selector with the specified object.
 * \param selector The selector to perform
 * \param object The object that is passed to the method specified by the
 *		 selector
 * \return The object returned by the method specified by the selector
- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	   withObject: (id)object;

 * \brief Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
 * \param selector The selector to perform
 * \param object The first object that is passed to the method specified by the
 *		 selector
 * \param otherObject The second object that is passed to the method specified
 *		      by the selector
 * \return The object returned by the method specified by the selector
- (id)performSelector: (SEL)selector
	   withObject: (id)object
	   withObject: (id)otherObject;

 * \brief Checks two objects for equality.
 * Classes containing data (like strings, arrays, lists etc.) should reimplement
 * this!
 * \param object The object which should be tested for equality
 * \return A boolean whether the object is equal to the specified object
- (BOOL)isEqual: (id)object;

 * \brief Calculates a hash for the object.
 * Classes containing data (like strings, arrays, lists etc.) should reimplement
 * this!
 * \return A 32 bit hash for the object
- (uint32_t)hash;

 * \brief Increases the retain count.
 * Each time an object is released, the retain count gets decreased and the
 * object deallocated if it reaches 0.
- retain;

 * \brief Returns the retain count.
 * \return The retain count
- (unsigned int)retainCount;

 * \brief Decreases the retain count.
 * Each time an object is released, the retain count gets decreased and the
 * object deallocated if it reaches 0.
- (void)release;

 * \brief Adds the object to the topmost OFAutoreleasePool of the thread's
 *	  autorelease pool stack.
 * \return The object
- autorelease;

 * \brief Returns the receiver.
 * \return The receiver
- self;

 * \brief Returns whether the object is a proxy object.
 * \return A boolean whether the object is a proxy object
- (BOOL)isProxy;

 * \brief The root class for all other classes inside ObjFW.
@interface OFObject <OFObject>
	/// The class of the object
	Class isa;

 * \brief A method which is called once when the class is loaded into the
 *	  runtime.
 * Derived classes can overide this to execute their own code when the class is
 * loaded.
+ (void)load;

 * \brief A method which is called the moment before the first call to the class
 *	  is being made.
 * Derived classes can override this to execute their own code on
 * initialization. They should make sure to not execute any code if self is not
 * the class itself, as it might happen that the method was called for a
 * subclass which did not override this method.
+ (void)initialize;

 * \brief Allocates memory for an instance of the class and sets up the memory
 *	  pool for the object.
 * This method will never return nil, instead, it will throw an
 * OFAllocFailedException.
 * \return The allocated object
+ alloc;

 * \brief Allocates memory for a new instance and calls -[init] on it.
 * \return An allocated and initialized object
+ new;

 * \brief Returns the class.
 * \return The class
+ (Class)class;

 * \brief Returns the name of the class as a string.
 * \return The name of the class as a string
+ (OFString*)className;

 * \brief Returns a boolean whether the class is a subclass of the specified
 *	  class.
 * \param class_ The class which is checked for being a superclass
 * \return A boolean whether the class is a subclass of the specified class
+ (BOOL)isSubclassOfClass: (Class)class_;

 * \brief Returns the superclass of the class.
 * \return The superclass of the class
+ (Class)superclass;

 * \brief Checks whether instances of the class respond to a given selector.
 * \param selector The selector which should be checked for respondance
 * \return A boolean whether instances of the class respond to the specified
 *	   selector
+ (BOOL)instancesRespondToSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Checks whether the class conforms to a given protocol.
 * \param protocol The protocol which should be checked for conformance
 * \return A boolean whether the class conforms to the specified protocol
+ (BOOL)conformsToProtocol: (Protocol*)protocol;

 * \brief Returns the implementation of the instance method for the specified
 *	  selector.
 * \param selector The selector for which the method should be returned
 * \return The implementation of the instance method for the specified selector
 *	   or nil if it isn't implemented
+ (IMP)instanceMethodForSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Returns the type encoding of the instance method for the specified
 *	  selector.
 * \param selector The selector for which the type encoding should be returned
 * \return The type encoding of the instance method for the specified selector
+ (const char*)typeEncodingForInstanceSelector: (SEL)selector;

 * \brief Returns a description for the class, which is usually the class name.
 * This is mostly for debugging purposes.
 * \return A description for the class, which is usually the class name
+ (OFString*)description;

 * \brief Replaces a class method with a class method from another class.
 * \param selector The selector of the class method to replace
 * \param class_ The class from which the new class method should be taken
 * \return The old implementation
+ (IMP)replaceClassMethod: (SEL)selector
      withMethodFromClass: (Class)class_;

 * \brief Replaces an instance method with an instance method from another
 *	  class.
 * \param selector The selector of the instance method to replace
 * \param class_ The class from which the new instance method should be taken
 * \return The old implementation
+ (IMP)replaceInstanceMethod: (SEL)selector
	 withMethodFromClass: (Class)class_;

 * \brief Replaces or adds a class method.
 * If the method already exists, it is replaced and the old implementation
 * returned. If the method does not exist, it is added with the specified type
 * encoding.
 * \param selector The selector for the new method
 * \param implementation The implementation for the new method
 * \param typeEncoding The type encoding for the new method
 * \return The old implementation or nil if the method was added
+ (IMP)replaceClassMethod: (SEL)selector
       withImplementation: (IMP)implementation
	     typeEncoding: (const char*)typeEncoding;

 * \brief Replaces or adds an instance method.
 * If the method already exists, it is replaced and the old implementation
 * returned. If the method does not exist, it is added with the specified type
 * encoding.
 * \param selector The selector for the new method
 * \param implementation The implementation for the new method
 * \param typeEncoding The type encoding for the new method
 * \return The old implementation or nil if the method was added
+ (IMP)replaceInstanceMethod: (SEL)selector
	  withImplementation: (IMP)implementation
		typeEncoding: (const char*)typeEncoding;

 * \brief Adds all methods from the specified class to the class that is the
 *	  receiver.
 * Methods implemented by the receiving class itself will not be overridden,
 * however methods implemented by its superclass will. Therefore it behaves
 * similar as if the specified class is the superclass of the receiver.
 * All methods from the superclasses of the specified class will also be added.
 * If the specified class is a superclass of the receiving class, nothing is
 * done.
 * The methods which will be added from the specified class are not allowed to
 * use super or access instance variables, instead they have to use accessors.
 * \param class The class from which the instance methods should be inherited
+ (void)inheritMethodsFromClass: (Class)class_;

 * \brief Initializes an already allocated object.
 * Derived classes may override this, but need to do self = [super init] before
 * they do any initialization themselves. init may never return nil, instead
 * an exception (for example OFInitializationFailed) should be thrown.
 * \return An initialized object
- init;

 * \brief Returns the name of the object's class.
 * \return The name of the object's class
- (OFString*)className;

 * \brief Returns a description for the object.
 * This is mostly for debugging purposes.
 * \return A description for the object
- (OFString*)description;

 * \brief Allocates memory and stores it in the object's memory pool.
 * It will be free'd automatically when the object is deallocated.
 * \param size The size of the memory to allocate
 * \return A pointer to the allocated memory
- (void*)allocMemoryWithSize: (size_t)size;

 * \brief Allocates memory for the specified number of items and stores it in
 *	  the object's memory pool.
 * It will be free'd automatically when the object is deallocated.
 * \param nItems The number of items to allocate
 * \param size The size of each item to allocate
 * \return A pointer to the allocated memory
- (void*)allocMemoryForNItems: (size_t)nItems
		       ofSize: (size_t)size;

 * \brief Resizes memory in the object's memory pool to the specified size.
 * If the pointer is NULL, this is equivalent to allocating memory.
 * If the size is 0, this is equivalent to freeing memory.
 * \param pointer A pointer to the already allocated memory
 * \param size The new size for the memory chunk
 * \return A pointer to the resized memory chunk
- (void*)resizeMemory: (void*)pointer
	       toSize: (size_t)size;

 * \brief Resizes memory in the object's memory pool to the specific number of
 *	  items of the specified size.
 * If the pointer is NULL, this is equivalent to allocating memory.
 * If the size or number of items is 0, this is equivalent to freeing memory.
 * \param pointer A pointer to the already allocated memory
 * \param nItems The number of items to resize to
 * \param size The size of each item to resize to
 * \return A pointer to the resized memory chunk
- (void*)resizeMemory: (void*)pointer
	     toNItems: (size_t)nItems
	       ofSize: (size_t)size;

 * \brief Frees allocated memory and removes it from the object's memory pool.
 * Does nothing if the pointer is NULL.
 * \param pointer A pointer to the allocated memory
- (void)freeMemory: (void*)pointer;

 * \brief Deallocates the object.
 * It is automatically called when the retain count reaches zero.
 * This also frees all memory in its memory pool.
- (void)dealloc;

 * \brief A protocol for the creation of copies.
@protocol OFCopying
 * \brief Copies the object.
 * For classes which can be immutable or mutable, this returns an immutable
 * copy. If only a mutable version of the class exists, it creates a mutable
 * copy.
 * \return A copy of the object
- copy;

 * \brief A protocol for the creation of mutable copies.
 * This protocol is implemented by objects that can be mutable and immutable
 * and allows returning a mutable copy.
@protocol OFMutableCopying
 * \brief Creates a mutable copy of the object.
 * \return A mutable copy of the object
- mutableCopy;

 * \brief A protocol for comparing objects.
 * This protocol is implemented by objects that can be compared.
@protocol OFComparing <OFObject>
 * \brief Compares the object with another object.
 * \param object An object to compare the object to
 * \return The result of the comparison
- (of_comparison_result_t)compare: (id)object;

#import "OFObject+Serialization.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern size_t of_pagesize;
extern size_t of_num_cpus;
#ifdef __cplusplus