ObjFW  Artifact [580c49cc96]

Artifact 580c49cc9622d033df4dd7e395a9ba9507974fac8c6f6d6ad5877febb1d12298:

  • File src/OFXMLElement.m — part of check-in [13ee56edf3] at 2014-06-21 21:43:43 on branch trunk — Move all macros from OFObject.h to macros.h

    This means that OFObject.h imports macros.h now, making it unnecessary
    to manually import macros.h in almost every file. And while at it, also
    import autorelease.h in OFObject.h, so that this doesn't need to be
    manually imported in almost every file as well. (user: js, size: 27365) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <assert.h>

#import "OFXMLElement.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFArray.h"
#import "OFDictionary.h"
#import "OFDataArray.h"
#import "OFXMLAttribute.h"
#import "OFXMLCharacters.h"
#import "OFXMLCDATA.h"
#import "OFXMLParser.h"
#import "OFXMLElementBuilder.h"

#import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h"
#import "OFInvalidFormatException.h"
#import "OFMalformedXMLException.h"
#import "OFUnboundNamespaceException.h"

/* References for static linking */
void _references_to_categories_of_OFXMLElement(void)
	_OFXMLElement_Serialization_reference = 1;

static Class charactersClass = Nil;
static Class CDATAClass = Nil;

@interface OFXMLElement_OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate: OFObject
	OFXMLElement *_element;

@implementation OFXMLElement_OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate
- (void)elementBuilder: (OFXMLElementBuilder*)builder
       didBuildElement: (OFXMLElement*)element
	if (_element == nil)
		_element = [element retain];

- (void)dealloc
	[_element release];

	[super dealloc];

@implementation OFXMLElement
+ (void)initialize
	if (self == [OFXMLElement class]) {
		charactersClass = [OFXMLCharacters class];
		CDATAClass = [OFXMLCDATA class];

+ (instancetype)elementWithName: (OFString*)name
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)elementWithName: (OFString*)name
		    stringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name
			       stringValue: stringValue] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)elementWithName: (OFString*)name
		      namespace: (OFString*)ns
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name
				 namespace: ns] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)elementWithName: (OFString*)name
		      namespace: (OFString*)ns
		    stringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	return [[[self alloc] initWithName: name
				 namespace: ns
			       stringValue: stringValue] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)elementWithElement: (OFXMLElement*)element
	return [[[self alloc] initWithElement: element] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)elementWithXMLString: (OFString*)string
	return [[[self alloc] initWithXMLString: string] autorelease];

+ (instancetype)elementWithFile: (OFString*)path
	return [[[self alloc] initWithFile: path] autorelease];

- init

- initWithName: (OFString*)name
	return [self initWithName: name
			namespace: nil
		      stringValue: nil];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name
   stringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	return [self initWithName: name
			namespace: nil
		      stringValue: stringValue];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name
     namespace: (OFString*)namespace
	return [self initWithName: name
			namespace: namespace
		      stringValue: nil];

- initWithName: (OFString*)name
     namespace: (OFString*)namespace
   stringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	self = [super init];

	@try {
		if (name == nil)
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		_name = [name copy];
		_namespace = [namespace copy];

		_namespaces = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc]
		    @"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", @"xml",
		    @"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", @"xmlns", nil];

		if (stringValue != nil)
			[self setStringValue: stringValue];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- initWithElement: (OFXMLElement*)element
	self = [super init];

	@try {
		if (element == nil)
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		_name = [element->_name copy];
		_namespace = [element->_namespace copy];
		_defaultNamespace = [element->_defaultNamespace copy];
		_attributes = [element->_attributes mutableCopy];
		_namespaces = [element->_namespaces mutableCopy];
		_children = [element->_children mutableCopy];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- initWithXMLString: (OFString*)string
	void *pool;
	OFXMLParser *parser;
	OFXMLElementBuilder *builder;
	OFXMLElement_OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate *delegate;

	[self release];

	if (string == nil)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	parser = [OFXMLParser parser];
	builder = [OFXMLElementBuilder elementBuilder];
	delegate = [[[OFXMLElement_OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate alloc] init]

	[parser setDelegate: builder];
	[builder setDelegate: delegate];

	[parser parseString: string];

	if (![parser finishedParsing])
		@throw [OFMalformedXMLException exceptionWithParser: parser];

	self = [delegate->_element retain];


	return self;

- initWithFile: (OFString*)path
	void *pool;
	OFXMLParser *parser;
	OFXMLElementBuilder *builder;
	OFXMLElement_OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate *delegate;

	[self release];

	pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	parser = [OFXMLParser parser];
	builder = [OFXMLElementBuilder elementBuilder];
	delegate = [[[OFXMLElement_OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate alloc] init]

	[parser setDelegate: builder];
	[builder setDelegate: delegate];

	[parser parseFile: path];

	if (![parser finishedParsing])
		@throw [OFMalformedXMLException exceptionWithParser: parser];

	self = [delegate->_element retain];


	return self;

- initWithSerialization: (OFXMLElement*)element
	self = [super init];

	@try {
		void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
		OFXMLElement *attributesElement, *namespacesElement;
		OFXMLElement *childrenElement;
		OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator, *objectEnumerator;
		id key, object;

		if (![[element name] isEqual: [self className]] ||
		    ![[element namespace] isEqual: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS])
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		_name = [[[element attributeForName: @"name"]
		    stringValue] copy];
		_namespace = [[[element attributeForName: @"namespace"]
		    stringValue] copy];
		_defaultNamespace = [[[element attributeForName:
		    @"defaultNamespace"] stringValue] copy];

		attributesElement = [[[element
		    elementForName: @"attributes"
			 namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS] elementsForNamespace:
		    OF_SERIALIZATION_NS] firstObject];
		namespacesElement = [[[element
		    elementForName: @"namespaces"
			 namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS] elementsForNamespace:
		    OF_SERIALIZATION_NS] firstObject];
		childrenElement = [[[element
		    elementForName: @"children"
			 namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS] elementsForNamespace:
		    OF_SERIALIZATION_NS] firstObject];

		_attributes = [[attributesElement objectByDeserializing]
		_namespaces = [[namespacesElement objectByDeserializing]
		_children = [[childrenElement objectByDeserializing]

		/* Sanity checks */
		if ((_attributes != nil && ![_attributes isKindOfClass:
		    [OFMutableArray class]]) || (_namespaces != nil &&
		    ![_namespaces isKindOfClass:
		    [OFMutableDictionary class]]) || (_children != nil &&
		    ![_children isKindOfClass: [OFMutableArray class]]))
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		objectEnumerator = [_attributes objectEnumerator];
		while ((object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
			if (![object isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
				@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		keyEnumerator = [_namespaces keyEnumerator];
		objectEnumerator = [_namespaces objectEnumerator];
		while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) != nil &&
		    (object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
			if (![key isKindOfClass: [OFString class]] ||
			    ![object isKindOfClass: [OFString class]])
				@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		objectEnumerator = [_children objectEnumerator];
		while ((object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
			if (![object isKindOfClass: [OFXMLNode class]])
				@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		if (_namespaces == nil)
			_namespaces = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init];

		    setObject: @"xml"
		       forKey: @"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"];
		[_namespaces setObject: @"xmlns"
				forKey: @"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"];

		if (_name == nil)
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[_name release];
	[_namespace release];
	[_defaultNamespace release];
	[_attributes release];
	[_namespaces release];
	[_children release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)setName: (OFString*)name
	if (name == nil)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	OF_SETTER(_name, name, true, 1)

- (OFString*)name
	OF_GETTER(_name, true)

- (void)setNamespace: (OFString*)namespace
	OF_SETTER(_namespace, namespace, true, 1)

- (OFString*)namespace
	OF_GETTER(_namespace, true)

- (OFArray*)attributes
	OF_GETTER(_attributes, true)

- (void)setChildren: (OFArray*)children
	OF_SETTER(_children, children, true, 2)

- (OFArray*)children
	OF_GETTER(_children, true)

- (void)setStringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[self setChildren: [OFArray arrayWithObject:
	    [OFXMLCharacters charactersWithString: stringValue]]];


- (OFString*)stringValue
	OFMutableString *ret;
	OFXMLElement *const *objects;
	size_t i, count = [_children count];

	if (count == 0)
		return @"";

	ret = [OFMutableString string];
	objects = [_children objects];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

		[ret appendString: [objects[i] stringValue]];


	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFString*)OF_XMLStringWithParent: (OFXMLElement*)parent
			 namespaces: (OFDictionary*)allNamespaces
			indentation: (unsigned int)indentation
			      level: (unsigned int)level
	void *pool;
	char *cString;
	size_t length, i, j, attributesCount;
	OFString *prefix, *parentPrefix;
	OFXMLAttribute *const *attributesObjects;
	OFString *ret;
	OFString *defaultNS;

	pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	parentPrefix = [allNamespaces objectForKey:
	    (parent != nil && parent->_namespace != nil
	    ? parent->_namespace : (OFString*)@"")];

	/* Add the namespaces of the current element */
	if (allNamespaces != nil) {
		OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator = [_namespaces keyEnumerator];
		OFEnumerator *objectEnumerator = [_namespaces objectEnumerator];
		OFMutableDictionary *tmp;
		id key, object;

		tmp = [[allNamespaces mutableCopy] autorelease];

		while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) != nil &&
		    (object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
			[tmp setObject: object
				forKey: key];

		allNamespaces = tmp;
	} else
		allNamespaces = _namespaces;

	prefix = [allNamespaces objectForKey:
	    (_namespace != nil ? _namespace : (OFString*)@"")];

	if (parent != nil && parent->_namespace != nil && parentPrefix == nil)
		defaultNS = parent->_namespace;
	else if (parent != nil && parent->_defaultNamespace != nil)
		defaultNS = parent->_defaultNamespace;
		defaultNS = _defaultNamespace;

	i = 0;
	length = [_name UTF8StringLength] + 3 + (level * indentation);
	cString = [self allocMemoryWithSize: length];

	memset(cString + i, ' ', level * indentation);
	i += level * indentation;

	/* Start of tag */
	cString[i++] = '<';

	if (prefix != nil && ![_namespace isEqual: defaultNS]) {
		length += [prefix UTF8StringLength] + 1;
		@try {
			cString = [self resizeMemory: cString
						size: length];
		} @catch (id e) {
			[self freeMemory: cString];
			@throw e;

		memcpy(cString + i, [prefix UTF8String],
		    [prefix UTF8StringLength]);
		i += [prefix UTF8StringLength];
		cString[i++] = ':';

	memcpy(cString + i, [_name UTF8String], [_name UTF8StringLength]);
	i += [_name UTF8StringLength];

	/* xmlns if necessary */
	if (prefix == nil && ((_namespace != nil &&
	    ![_namespace isEqual: defaultNS]) ||
	    (_namespace == nil && defaultNS != nil))) {
		length += [_namespace UTF8StringLength] + 9;
		@try {
			cString = [self resizeMemory: cString
						size: length];
		} @catch (id e) {
			[self freeMemory: cString];
			@throw e;

		memcpy(cString + i, " xmlns='", 8);
		i += 8;
		memcpy(cString + i, [_namespace UTF8String],
		    [_namespace UTF8StringLength]);
		i += [_namespace UTF8StringLength];
		cString[i++] = '\'';

	/* Attributes */
	attributesObjects = [_attributes objects];
	attributesCount = [_attributes count];

	for (j = 0; j < attributesCount; j++) {
		void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
		OFString *attributeName = [attributesObjects[j] name];
		OFString *attributePrefix = nil;
		OFString *tmp =
		    [[attributesObjects[j] stringValue] stringByXMLEscaping];

		if ([attributesObjects[j] namespace] != nil &&
		    (attributePrefix = [allNamespaces objectForKey:
		    [attributesObjects[j] namespace]]) == nil)
			@throw [OFUnboundNamespaceException
			    exceptionWithNamespace: [attributesObjects[j]
					   element: self];

		length += [attributeName UTF8StringLength] +
		    (attributePrefix != nil ?
		    [attributePrefix UTF8StringLength] + 1 : 0) +
		    [tmp UTF8StringLength] + 4;

		@try {
			cString = [self resizeMemory: cString
						size: length];
		} @catch (id e) {
			[self freeMemory: cString];
			@throw e;

		cString[i++] = ' ';
		if (attributePrefix != nil) {
			memcpy(cString + i, [attributePrefix UTF8String],
			    [attributePrefix UTF8StringLength]);
			i += [attributePrefix UTF8StringLength];
			cString[i++] = ':';
		memcpy(cString + i, [attributeName UTF8String],
		    [attributeName UTF8StringLength]);
		i += [attributeName UTF8StringLength];
		cString[i++] = '=';
		cString[i++] = '\'';
		memcpy(cString + i, [tmp UTF8String], [tmp UTF8StringLength]);
		i += [tmp UTF8StringLength];
		cString[i++] = '\'';


	/* Childen */
	if (_children != nil) {
		OFXMLElement *const *childrenObjects = [_children objects];
		size_t childrenCount = [_children count];
		OFDataArray *tmp = [OFDataArray dataArray];
		bool indent;

		if (indentation > 0) {
			indent = true;

			for (j = 0; j < childrenCount; j++) {
				if ([childrenObjects[j] isKindOfClass:
				    charactersClass] || [childrenObjects[j]
				    isKindOfClass: CDATAClass]) {
					indent = false;
		} else
			indent = false;

		for (j = 0; j < childrenCount; j++) {
			OFString *child;
			unsigned int ind = (indent ? indentation : 0);

			if (ind)
				[tmp addItem: "\n"];

			if ([childrenObjects[j] isKindOfClass:
			    [OFXMLElement class]])
				child = [childrenObjects[j]
				    OF_XMLStringWithParent: self
						namespaces: allNamespaces
					       indentation: ind
						     level: level + 1];
				child = [childrenObjects[j]
				    XMLStringWithIndentation: ind
						       level: level + 1];

			[tmp addItems: [child UTF8String]
				count: [child UTF8StringLength]];

		if (indent)
			[tmp addItem: "\n"];

		length += [tmp count] + [_name UTF8StringLength] + 2 +
		    (indent ? level * indentation : 0);
		@try {
			cString = [self resizeMemory: cString
						size: length];
		} @catch (id e) {
			[self freeMemory: cString];
			@throw e;

		cString[i++] = '>';

		memcpy(cString + i, [tmp items], [tmp count]);
		i += [tmp count];

		if (indent) {
			memset(cString + i, ' ', level * indentation);
			i += level * indentation;

		cString[i++] = '<';
		cString[i++] = '/';
		if (prefix != nil) {
			length += [prefix UTF8StringLength] + 1;
			@try {
				cString = [self resizeMemory: cString
							size: length];
			} @catch (id e) {
				[self freeMemory: cString];
				@throw e;

			memcpy(cString + i, [prefix UTF8String],
			    [prefix UTF8StringLength]);
			i += [prefix UTF8StringLength];
			cString[i++] = ':';
		memcpy(cString + i, [_name UTF8String],
		    [_name UTF8StringLength]);
		i += [_name UTF8StringLength];
	} else
		cString[i++] = '/';

	cString[i++] = '>';
	assert(i == length);


	@try {
		ret = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: cString
					      length: length];
	} @finally {
		[self freeMemory: cString];
	return ret;

- (OFString*)XMLString
	return [self OF_XMLStringWithParent: nil
				 namespaces: nil
				indentation: 0
				      level: 0];

- (OFString*)XMLStringWithIndentation: (unsigned int)indentation
	return [self OF_XMLStringWithParent: nil
				 namespaces: nil
				indentation: indentation
				      level: 0];

- (OFString*)XMLStringWithIndentation: (unsigned int)indentation
				level: (unsigned int)level
	return [self OF_XMLStringWithParent: nil
				 namespaces: nil
				indentation: indentation
				      level: level];

- (OFXMLElement*)XMLElementBySerializing
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFXMLElement *element;

	element = [OFXMLElement elementWithName: [self className]
				      namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS];

	if (_name != nil)
		[element addAttributeWithName: @"name"
				  stringValue: _name];

	if (_namespace != nil)
		[element addAttributeWithName: @"namespace"
				  stringValue: _namespace];

	if (_defaultNamespace != nil)
		[element addAttributeWithName: @"defaultNamespace"
				  stringValue: _defaultNamespace];

	if (_attributes != nil) {
		OFXMLElement *attributesElement;

		attributesElement =
		    [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"attributes"
					namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS];
		[attributesElement addChild:
		    [_attributes XMLElementBySerializing]];
		[element addChild: attributesElement];

	if (_namespaces != nil) {
		OFXMLElement *namespacesElement;
		OFMutableDictionary *namespacesCopy =
		    [[_namespaces mutableCopy] autorelease];

		[namespacesCopy removeObjectForKey:
		[namespacesCopy removeObjectForKey:

		if ([namespacesCopy count] > 0) {
			namespacesElement =
			    [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"namespaces"
						namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS];
			[namespacesElement addChild:
			    [namespacesCopy XMLElementBySerializing]];
			[element addChild: namespacesElement];

	if (_children != nil) {
		OFXMLElement *childrenElement;

		childrenElement =
		    [OFXMLElement elementWithName: @"children"
					namespace: OF_SERIALIZATION_NS];
		[childrenElement addChild: [_children XMLElementBySerializing]];
		[element addChild: childrenElement];

	[element retain];


	return [element autorelease];

- (void)addAttribute: (OFXMLAttribute*)attribute
	if (_attributes == nil)
		_attributes = [[OFMutableArray alloc] init];

	if ([self attributeForName: attribute->_name
			 namespace: attribute->_namespace] == nil)
		[_attributes addObject: attribute];

- (void)addAttributeWithName: (OFString*)name
		 stringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	[self addAttributeWithName: name
			 namespace: nil
		       stringValue: stringValue];

- (void)addAttributeWithName: (OFString*)name
		   namespace: (OFString*)namespace
		 stringValue: (OFString*)stringValue
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();

	[self addAttribute: [OFXMLAttribute attributeWithName: name
						    namespace: namespace
						  stringValue: stringValue]];


- (OFXMLAttribute*)attributeForName: (OFString*)attributeName
	OFXMLAttribute *const *objects = [_attributes objects];
	size_t i, count = [_attributes count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (objects[i]->_namespace == nil &&
		    [objects[i]->_name isEqual: attributeName])
			return [[objects[i] retain] autorelease];

	return nil;

- (OFXMLAttribute*)attributeForName: (OFString*)attributeName
			  namespace: (OFString*)attributeNS
	OFXMLAttribute *const *objects;
	size_t i, count;

	if (attributeNS == nil)
		return [self attributeForName: attributeName];

	objects = [_attributes objects];
	count = [_attributes count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([objects[i]->_namespace isEqual: attributeNS] &&
		    [objects[i]->_name isEqual: attributeName])
			return [[objects[i] retain] autorelease];

	return nil;

- (void)removeAttributeForName: (OFString*)attributeName
	OFXMLAttribute *const *objects = [_attributes objects];
	size_t i, count = [_attributes count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		if (objects[i]->_namespace == nil &&
		    [objects[i]->_name isEqual: attributeName]) {
			[_attributes removeObjectAtIndex: i];


- (void)removeAttributeForName: (OFString*)attributeName
		     namespace: (OFString*)attributeNS
	OFXMLAttribute *const *objects;
	size_t i, count;

	if (attributeNS == nil) {
		[self removeAttributeForName: attributeName];

	objects = [_attributes objects];
	count = [_attributes count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		if ([objects[i]->_namespace isEqual: attributeNS] &&
		    [objects[i]->_name isEqual: attributeName]) {
			[_attributes removeObjectAtIndex: i];

- (void)setPrefix: (OFString*)prefix
     forNamespace: (OFString*)namespace
	if ([prefix length] == 0)
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];
	if (namespace == nil)
		namespace = @"";

	[_namespaces setObject: prefix
			forKey: namespace];

- (void)bindPrefix: (OFString*)prefix
      forNamespace: (OFString*)namespace
	[self setPrefix: prefix
	   forNamespace: namespace];
	[self addAttributeWithName: prefix
			 namespace: @"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
		       stringValue: namespace];

- (OFString*)defaultNamespace
	OF_GETTER(_defaultNamespace, true)

- (void)setDefaultNamespace: (OFString*)defaultNamespace
	OF_SETTER(_defaultNamespace, defaultNamespace, true, 1)

- (void)addChild: (OFXMLNode*)child
	if ([child isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	if (_children == nil)
		_children = [[OFMutableArray alloc] init];

	[_children addObject: child];

- (void)insertChild: (OFXMLNode*)child
	    atIndex: (size_t)index
	if ([child isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	if (_children == nil)
		_children = [[OFMutableArray alloc] init];

	[_children insertObject: child
			atIndex: index];

- (void)insertChildren: (OFArray*)children
	       atIndex: (size_t)index
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFEnumerator *enumerator = [children objectEnumerator];
	OFXMLNode *node;

	while ((node = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
		if ([node isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	[_children insertObjectsFromArray: children
				  atIndex: index];


- (void)removeChild: (OFXMLNode*)child
	if ([child isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	[_children removeObject: child];

- (void)removeChildAtIndex: (size_t)index
	[_children removeObjectAtIndex: index];

- (void)replaceChild: (OFXMLNode*)child
	    withNode: (OFXMLNode*)node
	if ([node isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]] ||
	    [child isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	[_children replaceObject: child
		      withObject: node];

- (void)replaceChildAtIndex: (size_t)index
		   withNode: (OFXMLNode*)node
	if ([node isKindOfClass: [OFXMLAttribute class]])
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	[_children replaceObjectAtIndex: index
			     withObject: node];

- (OFXMLElement*)elementForName: (OFString*)elementName
	return [[self elementsForName: elementName] firstObject];

- (OFXMLElement*)elementForName: (OFString*)elementName
		      namespace: (OFString*)elementNS
	return [[self elementsForName: elementName
			    namespace: elementNS] firstObject];

- (OFArray*)elements
	OFMutableArray *ret = [OFMutableArray array];
	OFXMLElement *const *objects = [_children objects];
	size_t i, count = [_children count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([objects[i] isKindOfClass: [OFXMLElement class]])
			[ret addObject: objects[i]];

	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)elementsForName: (OFString*)elementName
	OFMutableArray *ret = [OFMutableArray array];
	OFXMLElement *const *objects = [_children objects];
	size_t i, count = [_children count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([objects[i] isKindOfClass: [OFXMLElement class]] &&
		    objects[i]->_namespace == nil &&
		    [objects[i]->_name isEqual: elementName])
			[ret addObject: objects[i]];

	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)elementsForNamespace: (OFString*)elementNS
	OFMutableArray *ret = [OFMutableArray array];
	OFXMLElement *const *objects = [_children objects];
	size_t i, count = [_children count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([objects[i] isKindOfClass: [OFXMLElement class]] &&
		    objects[i]->_name != nil &&
		    [objects[i]->_namespace isEqual: elementNS])
			[ret addObject: objects[i]];

	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (OFArray*)elementsForName: (OFString*)elementName
		  namespace: (OFString*)elementNS
	OFMutableArray *ret;
	OFXMLElement *const *objects;
	size_t i, count;

	if (elementNS == nil)
		return [self elementsForName: elementName];

	ret = [OFMutableArray array];
	objects = [_children objects];
	count = [_children count];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if ([objects[i] isKindOfClass: [OFXMLElement class]] &&
		    [objects[i]->_namespace isEqual: elementNS] &&
		    [objects[i]->_name isEqual: elementName])
			[ret addObject: objects[i]];

	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

- (bool)isEqual: (id)object
	OFXMLElement *element;

	if (![object isKindOfClass: [OFXMLElement class]])
		return false;

	element = object;

	if (element->_name != _name && ![element->_name isEqual: _name])
		return false;
	if (element->_namespace != _namespace &&
	    ![element->_namespace isEqual: _namespace])
		return false;
	if (element->_defaultNamespace != _defaultNamespace &&
	    ![element->_defaultNamespace isEqual: _defaultNamespace])
		return false;
	if (element->_attributes != _attributes &&
	    ![element->_attributes isEqual: _attributes])
		return false;
	if (element->_namespaces != _namespaces &&
	    ![element->_namespaces isEqual: _namespaces])
		return false;
	if (element->_children != _children &&
	    ![element->_children isEqual: _children])
		return false;

	return true;

- (uint32_t)hash
	uint32_t hash;


	OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [_name hash]);
	OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [_namespace hash]);
	OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [_defaultNamespace hash]);
	OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [_attributes hash]);
	OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [_namespaces hash]);
	OF_HASH_ADD_HASH(hash, [_children hash]);


	return hash;

- copy
	return [[[self class] alloc] initWithElement: self];