ObjFW  Artifact [4ccbd9a433]

Artifact 4ccbd9a4330a57098111d0c3e1d52876d0778f03ec9a6b02d3d7a79b2f962a32:

  • File src/OFThread.h — part of check-in [bac91ccede] at 2014-05-14 20:45:00 on branch trunk — Add C11 noreturn

    If it's unavailable, it's defined to __attribute__((noreturn)).

    Unfortunately, it cannot be used for ObjC methods, as noreturn is part
    of the return type while __attribute__((noreturn)) needs to be at the
    end for an ObjC method. To make matters worse, even GCC versions that
    accept noreturn don't allow it for an ObjC method. Thus, the only thing
    that can be done is to always use __attribute__((noreturn)) for ObjC
    methods using the OF_METHOD_NORETURN define. (user: js, size: 5097) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#import "OFObject.h"

# import "threading.h"

/*! @file */

@class OFDate;
@class OFRunLoop;
@class OFMutableDictionary;

#if defined(OF_HAVE_THREADS) && defined(OF_HAVE_BLOCKS)
 * @brief A block to be executed in a new thread.
 * @return The object which should be returned when the thread is joined
typedef id (^of_thread_block_t)(void);

 * @class OFThread OFThread.h ObjFW/OFThread.h
 * @brief A class which provides portable threads.
 * To use it, you should create a new class derived from it and reimplement
 * main.
 * @warning Even though the OFCopying protocol is implemented, it does *not*
 *	    return an independent copy of the thread, but instead retains it.
 *	    This is so that the thread can be used as a key for a dictionary,
 *	    so context can be associated with a thread.
@interface OFThread: OFObject
# ifdef OF_THREAD_M
# else
# endif
	of_thread_t _thread;
	enum {
	} _running;
	void *_pool;
	of_thread_block_t _threadBlock;
# endif
	id _returnValue;
	OFRunLoop *_runLoop;
	OFString *_name;
	OFMutableDictionary *_threadDictionary;

@property (copy) of_thread_block_t threadBlock;
#  endif
@property (copy) OFString *name;
# endif

 * @brief Creates a new thread.
 * @return A new, autoreleased thread
+ (instancetype)thread;

 * @brief Creates a new thread with the specified block.
 * @param threadBlock A block which is executed by the thread
 * @return A new, autoreleased thread
+ (instancetype)threadWithThreadBlock: (of_thread_block_t)threadBlock;
# endif

 * @brief Returns the current thread.
 * @return The current thread
+ (OFThread*)currentThread;

 * @brief Returns the main thread.
 * @return The main thread
+ (OFThread*)mainThread;

 * @brief Returns a dictionary to store thread-specific data, meaning it
 *	  returns a different dictionary for every thread.
 * @return A dictionary to store thread-specific data.
+ (OFMutableDictionary*)threadDictionary;

 * @brief Suspends execution of the current thread for the specified time
 *	  interval.
 * @param timeInterval The number of seconds to sleep
+ (void)sleepForTimeInterval: (of_time_interval_t)timeInterval;

 * @brief Suspends execution of the current thread until the specified date.
 * @param date The date to wait for
+ (void)sleepUntilDate: (OFDate*)date;

 * @brief Yields a processor voluntarily and moves the thread to the end of the
 *	  queue for its priority.
+ (void)yield;

 * @brief Terminates the current thread, letting it return nil.
+ (void)terminate OF_METHOD_NORETURN;

 * @brief Terminates the current thread, letting it return the specified object.
 * @param object The object which the terminated thread will return
+ (void)terminateWithObject: (id)object OF_METHOD_NORETURN;

 * @brief Initializes an already allocated thread with the specified block.
 * @param threadBlock A block which is executed by the thread
 * @return An initialized OFThread.
- initWithThreadBlock: (of_thread_block_t)threadBlock;
# endif

 * @brief The main routine of the thread. You need to reimplement this!
 * It can access the object passed to the threadWithObject or initWithObject
 * method using the instance variable named object.
 * @return The object the join method should return when called for this thread
- (id)main;

 * @brief This routine is exectued when the thread's main method has finished
 *	  executing or terminate has been called.
 * @note Be sure to call [super handleTermination]!
- (void)handleTermination OF_REQUIRES_SUPER;

 * @brief Starts the thread.
- (void)start;

 * @brief Joins a thread.
 * @return The object returned by the main method of the thread.
- (id)join;

 * @brief Returns the run loop for the thread.
 * @return The run loop for the thread
- (OFRunLoop*)runLoop;

 * @brief Returns the name of the thread or nil if none has been set.
 * @return The name of the thread or nik if none has been set
- (OFString*)name;

 * @brief Sets the name for the thread.
 * @param name The name for the thread
- (void)setName: (OFString*)name;