ObjFW  Artifact [1301722443]

Artifact 13017224439dfb2ba30680cb6d49799590958a0ef7a3ff695a80757179511c17:

  • File src/OFFile.h — part of check-in [fe2cbe0021] at 2018-04-22 16:13:04 on branch trunk — runtime: Define BOOL to be the same as bool

    As we define the ABI, we can just replace BOOL with bool everywhere,
    including in ObjFW itself. For the Apple platforms where BOOL and bool
    are different, this is not a problem as BOOL and bool are passed and
    returned the same way in the ABI.

    This still defines BOOL to bool for compatibility, except on AmigaOS and
    Wii, which both have its own BOOL type. (user: js, size: 5873) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
 *               2018
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@heap.zone>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#import "OFSeekableStream.h"
#import "OFKernelEventObserver.h"

#ifndef OF_MORPHOS
typedef int of_file_handle_t;
# include <proto/dos.h>
typedef struct of_file_handle *of_file_handle_t;


@class OFURL;

 * @class OFFile OFFile.h ObjFW/OFFile.h
 * @brief A class which provides methods to read and write files.
@interface OFFile: OFSeekableStream
    <OFReadyForReadingObserving, OFReadyForWritingObserving>
	of_file_handle_t _handle;
	bool _atEndOfStream;

 * @brief Creates a new OFFile with the specified path and mode.
 * @param path The path to the file to open as a string
 * @param mode The mode in which the file should be opened.
 *             @n
 *	       Possible modes are:
 *	       Mode           | Description
 *	       ---------------|-------------------------------------
 *	       `r`            | Read-only
 *	       `r+`           | Read-write
 *	       `w`            | Write-only, create or truncate
 *	       `wx`           | Write-only, create or fail, exclusive
 *	       `w+`           | Read-write, create or truncate
 *	       `w+x`          | Read-write, create or fail, exclusive
 *	       `a`            | Write-only, create or append
 *	       `a+`           | Read-write, create or append
 * @return A new autoreleased OFFile
+ (instancetype)fileWithPath: (OFString *)path
			mode: (OFString *)mode;

 * @brief Creates a new OFFile with the specified URL and mode.
 * @param URL The URL to the file to open
 * @param mode The mode in which the file should be opened.@n
 *	       Possible modes are:
 *	       Mode           | Description
 *	       ---------------|-------------------------------------
 *	       `r`            | Read-only
 *	       `r+`           | Read-write
 *	       `w`            | Write-only, create or truncate
 *	       `wx`           | Write-only, create or fail, exclusive
 *	       `w+`           | Read-write, create or truncate
 *	       `w+x`          | Read-write, create or fail, exclusive
 *	       `a`            | Write-only, create or append
 *	       `a+`           | Read-write, create or append
 * @return A new autoreleased OFFile
+ (instancetype)fileWithURL: (OFURL *)URL
		       mode: (OFString *)mode;

 * @brief Creates a new OFFile with the specified native file handle.
 * @param handle A native file handle. If OF_FILE_HANDLE_IS_FD is defined, this
 *		 is a file descriptor. The handle is closed when the OFFile
 *		 object is deallocated!
 * @return A new autoreleased OFFile
+ (instancetype)fileWithHandle: (of_file_handle_t)handle;

- (instancetype)init OF_UNAVAILABLE;

 * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFFile.
 * @param path The path to the file to open as a string
 * @param mode The mode in which the file should be opened.@n
 *	       Possible modes are:
 *	       Mode           | Description
 *	       ---------------|-------------------------------------
 *	       `r`            | read-only
 *	       `rb`           | read-only, binary
 *	       `r+`           | read-write
 *	       `rb+` or `r+b` | read-write, binary
 *	       `w`            | write-only, create, truncate
 *	       `wb`           | write-only, create, truncate, binary
 *	       `w`            | read-write, create, truncate
 *	       `wb+` or `w+b` | read-write, create, truncate, binary
 *	       `a`            | write-only, create, append
 *	       `ab`           | write-only, create, append, binary
 *	       `a+`           | read-write, create, append
 *	       `ab+` or `a+b` | read-write, create, append, binary
 * @return An initialized OFFile
- (instancetype)initWithPath: (OFString *)path
			mode: (OFString *)mode;

 * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFFile.
 * @param URL The URL to the file to open
 * @param mode The mode in which the file should be opened.@n
 *	       Possible modes are:
 *	       Mode           | Description
 *	       ---------------|-------------------------------------
 *	       `r`            | read-only
 *	       `rb`           | read-only, binary
 *	       `r+`           | read-write
 *	       `rb+` or `r+b` | read-write, binary
 *	       `w`            | write-only, create, truncate
 *	       `wb`           | write-only, create, truncate, binary
 *	       `w`            | read-write, create, truncate
 *	       `wb+` or `w+b` | read-write, create, truncate, binary
 *	       `a`            | write-only, create, append
 *	       `ab`           | write-only, create, append, binary
 *	       `a+`           | read-write, create, append
 *	       `ab+` or `a+b` | read-write, create, append, binary
 * @return An initialized OFFile
- (instancetype)initWithURL: (OFURL *)URL
		       mode: (OFString *)mode;

 * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFFile.
 * @param handle A native file handle. If OF_FILE_HANDLE_IS_FD is defined, this
 *		 is a file descriptor. The handle is closed when the OFFile
 *		 object is deallocated!
 * @return An initialized OFFile
- (instancetype)initWithHandle: (of_file_handle_t)handle