ObjFW  Artifact [0bf8c49ae4]

Artifact 0bf8c49ae4a4e2ef0ac09c79ba94b16c5b8f8031a6e2bd655a52b4d15db7a9ca:

  • File src/OFStream.h — part of check-in [d1d36ae522] at 2021-11-06 15:57:29 on branch trunk — OFStream: New write API

    The old write API made it too easy to lose bytes when a stream is set to
    non-blocking mode. The new API always throws when not all bytes were
    written, which forces handling the number of bytes being written being
    smaller than the number of bytes requested to be written. (user: js, size: 52835) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2021 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.


#include <stdarg.h>

#import "OFObject.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFRunLoop.h"
# import "OFKernelEventObserver.h"


/** @file */

@class OFStream;
@class OFData;

#if defined(OF_HAVE_SOCKETS) && defined(OF_HAVE_BLOCKS)
 * @brief A block which is called when data was read asynchronously from a
 *	  stream.
 * @param length The length of the data that has been read
 * @param exception An exception which occurred while reading or `nil` on
 *		    success
 * @return A bool whether the same block should be used for the next read
typedef bool (^OFStreamAsyncReadBlock)(size_t length, id _Nullable exception);

 * @brief A block which is called when a line was read asynchronously from a
 *	  stream.
 * @param line The line which has been read or `nil` when the end of stream
 *	       occurred
 * @param exception An exception which occurred while reading or `nil` on
 *		    success
 * @return A bool whether the same block should be used for the next read
typedef bool (^OFStreamAsyncReadLineBlock)(OFString *_Nullable line,
    id _Nullable exception);

 * @brief A block which is called when data was written asynchronously to a
 *	  stream.
 * @param data The data which was written to the stream
 * @param bytesWritten The number of bytes which have been written. This
 *		       matches the length of the specified data on the
 *		       asynchronous write if no exception was encountered.
 * @param exception An exception which occurred while writing or `nil` on
 *		    success
 * @return The data to repeat the write with or nil if it should not repeat
typedef OFData *_Nullable (^OFStreamAsyncWriteDataBlock)(OFData *_Nonnull data,
    size_t bytesWritten, id _Nullable exception);

 * @brief A block which is called when a string was written asynchronously to a
 *	  stream.
 * @param string The string which was written to the stream
 * @param bytesWritten The number of bytes which have been written. This
 *		       matches the length of the specified data on the
 *		       asynchronous write if no exception was encountered.
 * @param exception An exception which occurred while writing or `nil` on
 *		    success
 * @return The string to repeat the write with or nil if it should not repeat
typedef OFString *_Nullable (^OFStreamAsyncWriteStringBlock)(
    OFString *_Nonnull string, size_t bytesWritten, id _Nullable exception);

 * @protocol OFStreamDelegate OFStream.h ObjFW/OFStream.h
 * A delegate for OFStream.
@protocol OFStreamDelegate <OFObject>
 * @brief This method is called when data was read asynchronously from a
 *	  stream.
 * @param stream The stream on which data was read
 * @param buffer A buffer with the data that has been read
 * @param length The length of the data that has been read
 * @param exception An exception that occurred while reading, or nil on success
 * @return A bool whether the read should be repeated
-      (bool)stream: (OFStream *)stream
  didReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
	     length: (size_t)length
	  exception: (nullable id)exception;

 * @brief This method is called when a line was read asynchronously from a
 *	  stream.
 * @param stream The stream on which a line was read
 * @param line The line which has been read or `nil` when the end of stream
 *	       occurred
 * @param exception An exception that occurred while reading, or nil on success
 * @return A bool whether the read should be repeated
- (bool)stream: (OFStream *)stream
   didReadLine: (nullable OFString *)line
     exception: (nullable id)exception;

 * @brief This method is called when data was written asynchronously to a
 *	  stream.
 * @param stream The stream to which data was written
 * @param data The data which was written to the stream
 * @param bytesWritten The number of bytes which have been written. This
 *		       matches the length of the specified data on the
 *		       asynchronous write if no exception was encountered.
 * @param exception An exception that occurred while writing, or nil on success
 * @return The data to repeat the write with or nil if it should not repeat
- (nullable OFData *)stream: (OFStream *)stream
	       didWriteData: (OFData *)data
	       bytesWritten: (size_t)bytesWritten
		  exception: (nullable id)exception;

 * @brief This method is called when a string was written asynchronously to a
 *	  stream.
 * @param stream The stream to which a string was written
 * @param string The string which was written to the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which the string was written
 * @param bytesWritten The number of bytes which have been written. This
 *		       matches the length of the specified data on the
 *		       asynchronous write if no exception was encountered.
 * @param exception An exception that occurred while writing, or nil on success
 * @return The string to repeat the write with or nil if it should not repeat
- (nullable OFString *)stream: (OFStream *)stream
	       didWriteString: (OFString *)string
		     encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
		 bytesWritten: (size_t)bytesWritten
		    exception: (nullable id)exception;

 * @class OFStream OFStream.h ObjFW/OFStream.h
 * @brief A base class for different types of streams.
 * @warning Even though the OFCopying protocol is implemented, it does *not*
 *	    return an independent copy of the stream, but instead retains it.
 *	    This is so that the stream can be used as a key for a dictionary,
 *	    so context can be associated with a stream. Using a stream in more
 *	    than one thread at the same time is not thread-safe, even if copy
 *	    was called to create one "instance" for every thread!
 * @note If you want to subclass this, override
 *	 @ref lowlevelReadIntoBuffer:length:, @ref lowlevelWriteBuffer:length:
 *	 and @ref lowlevelIsAtEndOfStream, but nothing else, as those are are
 *	 the methods that do the actual work. OFStream uses those for all other
 *	 methods and does all the caching and other stuff for you. If you
 *	 override these methods without the `lowlevel` prefix, you *will* break
 *	 caching and get broken results!
@interface OFStream: OFObject <OFCopying>
	bool _canBlock;
	id _Nullable _delegate;
	char *_Nullable _readBuffer, *_Nullable _readBufferMemory;
	char *_Nullable _writeBuffer;
	size_t _readBufferLength, _writeBufferLength;
	bool _buffersWrites, _waitingForDelimiter;

 * @brief Whether the end of the stream has been reached.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, getter=isAtEndOfStream) bool atEndOfStream;

 * @brief Whether writes are buffered.
@property (nonatomic) bool buffersWrites;

 * @brief Whether data is present in the internal read buffer.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) bool hasDataInReadBuffer;

 * @brief Whether the stream can block.
 * By default, a stream can block.
 * On Win32, setting this currently only works for sockets!
@property (nonatomic) bool canBlock;

 * @brief The delegate for asynchronous operations on the stream.
 * @note The delegate is retained for as long as asynchronous operations are
 *	 still ongoing.
@property OF_NULLABLE_PROPERTY (assign, nonatomic)
    id <OFStreamDelegate> delegate;

 * @brief Reads *at most* size bytes from the stream into a buffer.
 * On network streams, this might read less than the specified number of bytes.
 * If you want to read exactly the specified number of bytes, use
 * @ref readIntoBuffer:exactLength:. Note that a read can even return 0 bytes -
 * this does not necessarily mean that the stream ended, so you still need to
 * check @ref atEndOfStream. Do not assume that the stream ended just because a
 * read returned 0 bytes - some streams do internal processing that has a
 * result of 0 bytes.
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read at most.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Reads exactly the specified length bytes from the stream into a
 *	  buffer.
 * Unlike @ref readIntoBuffer:length:, this method does not return when less
 * than the specified length has been read - instead, it waits until it got
 * exactly the specified length.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that specified amount of data is
 *	    available! Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 - (void)readIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer exactLength: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads *at most* size bytes from the stream into a
 *	  buffer.
 * On network streams, this might read less than the specified number of bytes.
 * If you want to read exactly the specified number of bytes, use
 * @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:exactLength:. Note that a read can even return 0
 * bytes - this does not necessarily mean that the stream ended, so you still
 * need to check @ref atEndOfStream. Do not assume that the stream ended just
 * because a read returned 0 bytes - some streams do internal processing that
 * has a result of 0 bytes.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read.
 *		 The buffer must not be freed before the async read completed!
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read at most.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads *at most* size bytes from the stream into a
 *	  buffer.
 * On network streams, this might read less than the specified number of bytes.
 * If you want to read exactly the specified number of bytes, use
 * @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:exactLength:. Note that a read can even return 0
 * bytes - this does not necessarily mean that the stream ended, so you still
 * need to check @ref atEndOfStream. Do not assume that the stream ended just
 * because a read returned 0 bytes - some streams do internal processing that
 * has a result of 0 bytes.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read.
 *		 The buffer must not be freed before the async read completed!
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read at most.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async read
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		     length: (size_t)length
		runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads exactly the specified length bytes from the
 *	  stream into a buffer.
 * Unlike @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:length:, this method does not call the
 * method when less than the specified length has been read - instead, it waits
 * until it got exactly the specified length, the stream has ended or an
 * exception occurred.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer exactLength: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads exactly the specified length bytes from the
 *	  stream into a buffer.
 * Unlike @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:length:, this method does not call the
 * method when less than the specified length has been read - instead, it waits
 * until it got exactly the specified length, the stream has ended or an
 * exception occurred.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async read
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		exactLength: (size_t)length
		runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads *at most* ref size bytes from the stream into a
 *	  buffer.
 * On network streams, this might read less than the specified number of bytes.
 * If you want to read exactly the specified number of bytes, use
 * @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:exactLength:block:. Note that a read can even
 * return 0 bytes - this does not necessarily mean that the stream ended, so
 * you still need to check @ref atEndOfStream. Do not assume that the stream
 * ended just because a read returned 0 bytes - some streams do internal
 * processing that has a result of 0 bytes.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read.
 *		 The buffer must not be freed before the async read completed!
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read at most.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again with the same
 *		buffer and maximum length when more data has been received. If
 *		you want the next block in the queue to handle the data
 *		received next, you need to return false from the block.
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		     length: (size_t)length
		      block: (OFStreamAsyncReadBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads *at most* ref size bytes from the stream into a
 *	  buffer.
 * On network streams, this might read less than the specified number of bytes.
 * If you want to read exactly the specified number of bytes, use
 * @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:exactLength:block:. Note that a read can even
 * return 0 bytes - this does not necessarily mean that the stream ended, so
 * you still need to check @ref atEndOfStream. Do not assume that the stream
 * ended just because a read returned 0 bytes - some streams do internal
 * processing that has a result of 0 bytes.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read.
 *		 The buffer must not be freed before the async read completed!
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read at most.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async read
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again with the same
 *		buffer and maximum length when more data has been received. If
 *		you want the next block in the queue to handle the data
 *		received next, you need to return false from the block.
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		     length: (size_t)length
		runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
		      block: (OFStreamAsyncReadBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads exactly the specified length bytes from the
 *	  stream into a buffer.
 * Unlike @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:length:block:, this method does not invoke
 * the block when less than the specified length has been read - instead, it
 * waits until it got exactly the specified length, the stream has ended or an
 * exception occurred.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again with the same
 *		buffer and exact length when more data has been received. If
 *		you want the next block in the queue to handle the data
 *		received next, you need to return false from the block.
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		exactLength: (size_t)length
		      block: (OFStreamAsyncReadBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads exactly the specified length bytes from the
 *	  stream into a buffer.
 * Unlike @ref asyncReadIntoBuffer:length:block:, this method does not invoke
 * the block when less than the specified length has been read - instead, it
 * waits until it got exactly the specified length, the stream has ended or an
 * exception occurred.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param buffer The buffer into which the data is read
 * @param length The length of the data that should be read.
 *		 The buffer *must* be *at least* this big!
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async read
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again with the same
 *		buffer and exact length when more data has been received. If
 *		you want the next block in the queue to handle the data
 *		received next, you need to return false from the block.
- (void)asyncReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		exactLength: (size_t)length
		runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
		      block: (OFStreamAsyncReadBlock)block;
# endif

 * @brief Reads a uint8_t from the stream.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint8_t from the stream
- (uint8_t)readInt8;

 * @brief Reads a uint16_t from the stream which is encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint16_t from the stream in native endianess
- (uint16_t)readBigEndianInt16;

 * @brief Reads a uint32_t from the stream which is encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint32_t from the stream in the native endianess
- (uint32_t)readBigEndianInt32;

 * @brief Reads a uint64_t from the stream which is encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint64_t from the stream in the native endianess
- (uint64_t)readBigEndianInt64;

 * @brief Reads a float from the stream which is encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A float from the stream in the native endianess
- (float)readBigEndianFloat;

 * @brief Reads a double from the stream which is encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A double from the stream in the native endianess
- (double)readBigEndianDouble;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of uint16_ts from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 uint16_ts
 * @param count The number of uint16_ts to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readBigEndianInt16sIntoBuffer: (uint16_t *)buffer
				  count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of uint32_ts from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 uint32_ts
 * @param count The number of uint32_ts to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readBigEndianInt32sIntoBuffer: (uint32_t *)buffer
				  count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of uint64_ts from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 uint64_ts
 * @param count The number of uint64_ts to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readBigEndianInt64sIntoBuffer: (uint64_t *)buffer
				  count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of floats from the stream which are encoded
 *	  in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 floats
 * @param count The number of floats to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readBigEndianFloatsIntoBuffer: (float *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of doubles from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in big endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 doubles
 * @param count The number of doubles to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readBigEndianDoublesIntoBuffer: (double *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads a uint16_t from the stream which is encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint16_t from the stream in native endianess
- (uint16_t)readLittleEndianInt16;

 * @brief Reads a uint32_t from the stream which is encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint32_t from the stream in the native endianess
- (uint32_t)readLittleEndianInt32;

 * @brief Reads a uint64_t from the stream which is encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A uint64_t from the stream in the native endianess
- (uint64_t)readLittleEndianInt64;

 * @brief Reads a float from the stream which is encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A float from the stream in the native endianess
- (float)readLittleEndianFloat;

 * @brief Reads a double from the stream which is encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @return A double from the stream in the native endianess
- (double)readLittleEndianDouble;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of uint16_ts from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 uint16_ts
 * @param count The number of uint16_ts to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readLittleEndianInt16sIntoBuffer: (uint16_t *)buffer
				     count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of uint32_ts from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 uint32_ts
 * @param count The number of uint32_ts to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readLittleEndianInt32sIntoBuffer: (uint32_t *)buffer
				     count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of uint64_ts from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 uint64_ts
 * @param count The number of uint64_ts to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readLittleEndianInt64sIntoBuffer: (uint64_t *)buffer
				     count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of floats from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 floats
 * @param count The number of floats to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readLittleEndianFloatsIntoBuffer: (float *)buffer
				     count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of doubles from the stream which are
 *	  encoded in little endian.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param buffer A buffer of sufficient size to store the specified number of
 *		 doubles
 * @param count The number of doubles to read
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readLittleEndianDoublesIntoBuffer: (double *)buffer
				      count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of items with an item size of 1 from the
 *	  stream and returns them as OFData.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param count The number of items to read
 * @return OFData with count items.
- (OFData *)readDataWithCount: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Reads the specified number of items with the specified item size from
 *	  the stream and returns them as OFData.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param itemSize The size of each item
 * @param count The number of items to read
 * @return OFData with count items.
- (OFData *)readDataWithItemSize: (size_t)itemSize count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Returns OFData with all the remaining data of the stream.
 * @return OFData with an item size of 1 with all the data of the stream until
 *	   the end of the stream is reached.
- (OFData *)readDataUntilEndOfStream;

 * @brief Reads a string with the specified length from the stream.
 * If `\0` appears in the stream, the string will be truncated at the `\0` and
 * the rest of the bytes of the string will be lost. This way, reading from the
 * stream will not break because of a `\0` because the specified number of
 * bytes is still being read and only the string gets truncated.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param length The length (in bytes) of the string to read from the stream
 * @return A string with the specified length
- (OFString *)readStringWithLength: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Reads a string with the specified encoding and length from the stream.
 * If a `\0` appears in the stream, the string will be truncated at the `\0`
 * and the rest of the bytes of the string will be lost. This way, reading from
 * the stream will not break because of a `\0` because the specified number of
 * bytes is still being read and only the string gets truncated.
 * @warning Only call this when you know that enough data is available!
 *	    Otherwise you will get an exception!
 * @param encoding The encoding of the string to read from the stream
 * @param length The length (in bytes) of the string to read from the stream
 * @return A string with the specified length
- (OFString *)readStringWithLength: (size_t)length
			  encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Reads until a newline, `\0` or end of stream occurs.
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the end of the
 *	   stream has been reached.
- (nullable OFString *)readLine;

 * @brief Reads with the specified encoding until a newline, `\0` or end of
 *	  stream occurs.
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the end of the
 *	   stream has been reached.
- (nullable OFString *)readLineWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads until a newline, `\0`, end of stream or an
 *	  exception occurs.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
- (void)asyncReadLine;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads with the specified encoding until a newline,
 *	  `\0`, end of stream or an exception occurs.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
- (void)asyncReadLineWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads with the specified encoding until a newline,
 *	  `\0`, end of stream or an exception occurs.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async read
- (void)asyncReadLineWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
		      runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads until a newline, `\0`, end of stream or an
 *	  exception occurs.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again when the next
 *		line has been received. If you want the next block in the queue
 *		to handle the next line, you need to return false from the
 *		block.
- (void)asyncReadLineWithBlock: (OFStreamAsyncReadLineBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads with the specified encoding until a newline,
 *	  `\0`, end of stream or an exception occurs.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again when the next
 *		line has been received. If you want the next block in the queue
 *		to handle the next line, you need to return false from the
 *		block.
- (void)asyncReadLineWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
			    block: (OFStreamAsyncReadLineBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously reads with the specified encoding until a newline,
 *	  `\0`, end of stream or an exception occurs.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async read
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been received.
 *		If the block returns true, it will be called again when the next
 *		line has been received. If you want the next block in the queue
 *		to handle the next line, you need to return false from the
 *		block.
- (void)asyncReadLineWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
		      runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
			    block: (OFStreamAsyncReadLineBlock)block;
# endif

 * @brief Tries to read a line from the stream (see @ref readLine) and returns
 *	  `nil` if no complete line has been received yet.
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the line is not
 *	   complete yet
- (nullable OFString *)tryReadLine;

 * @brief Tries to read a line from the stream with the specified encoding (see
 *	  @ref readLineWithEncoding:) and returns `nil` if no complete line has
 *	  been received yet.
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the line is not
 *	   complete yet
- (nullable OFString *)tryReadLineWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Reads until the specified string or `\0` is found or the end of
 *	  stream occurs.
 * @param delimiter The delimiter
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the end of the
 *	   stream has been reached.
- (nullable OFString *)readTillDelimiter: (OFString *)delimiter;

 * @brief Reads until the specified string or `\0` is found or the end of
 *	  stream occurs.
 * @param delimiter The delimiter
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the end of the
 *	   stream has been reached.
- (nullable OFString *)readTillDelimiter: (OFString *)delimiter
				encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Tries to reads until the specified string or `\0` is found or the end
 *	  of stream (see @ref readTillDelimiter:) and returns `nil` if not
 *	  enough data has been received yet.
 * @param delimiter The delimiter
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the end of the
 *	   stream has been reached.
- (nullable OFString *)tryReadTillDelimiter: (OFString *)delimiter;

 * @brief Tries to read until the specified string or `\0` is found or the end
 *	  of stream occurs (see @ref readTillDelimiter:encoding:) and returns
 *	  `nil` if not enough data has been received yet.
 * @param delimiter The delimiter
 * @param encoding The encoding used by the stream
 * @return The line that was read, autoreleased, or `nil` if the end of the
 *	   stream has been reached.
- (nullable OFString *)tryReadTillDelimiter: (OFString *)delimiter
				   encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Writes everything in the write buffer to the stream.
- (void)flushWriteBuffer;

 * @brief Writes from a buffer into the stream.
 * In non-blocking mode, if less than the specified length could be written, an
 * @ref OFWriteFailedException is thrown with @ref OFWriteFailedException#errNo
 * being set to `EWOULDBLOCK` and @ref OFWriteFailedException#bytesWritten
 * being set to the number of bytes that were written, if any.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written into the stream
 * @param length The length of the data that should be written
- (void)writeBuffer: (const void *)buffer length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes data into the stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param data The data which is written into the stream
- (void)asyncWriteData: (OFData *)data;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes data into the stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param data The data which is written into the stream
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async write
- (void)asyncWriteData: (OFData *)data
	   runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes a string in UTF-8 encoding into the stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param string The string which is written into the stream
- (void)asyncWriteString: (OFString *)string;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes a string in the specified encoding into the
 *	  stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param string The string which is written into the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which the string should be written to the
 *		   stream
- (void)asyncWriteString: (OFString *)string
		encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes a string in the specified encoding into the
 *	  stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param string The string which is written into the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which the string should be written to the
 *		   stream
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async write
- (void)asyncWriteString: (OFString *)string
		encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
	     runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes data into the stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param data The data which is written into the stream
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been written. It should
 *		return the data for the next write with the same callback or
 *		nil if it should not repeat.
- (void)asyncWriteData: (OFData *)data
		 block: (OFStreamAsyncWriteDataBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes data into the stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param data The data which is written into the stream
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async write
 * @param block The block to call when the data has been written. It should
 *		return the data for the next write with the same callback or
 *		nil if it should not repeat.
- (void)asyncWriteData: (OFData *)data
	   runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
		 block: (OFStreamAsyncWriteDataBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes a string into the stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param string The string which is written into the stream
 * @param block The block to call when the string has been written. It should
 *		return the string for the next write with the same callback or
 *		nil if it should not repeat.
- (void)asyncWriteString: (OFString *)string
		   block: (OFStreamAsyncWriteStringBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes a string in the specified encoding into the
 *	  stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param string The string which is written into the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which the string should be written to the
 *		   stream
 * @param block The block to call when the string has been written. It should
 *		return the string for the next write with the same callback or
 *		nil if it should not repeat.
- (void)asyncWriteString: (OFString *)string
		encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
		   block: (OFStreamAsyncWriteStringBlock)block;

 * @brief Asynchronously writes a string in the specified encoding into the
 *	  stream.
 * @note The stream must conform to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving in order
 *	 for this to work!
 * @param string The string which is written into the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which the string should be written to the
 *		   stream
 * @param runLoopMode The run loop mode in which to perform the async write
 * @param block The block to call when the string has been written. It should
 *		return the string for the next write with the same callback or
 *		nil if it should not repeat.
- (void)asyncWriteString: (OFString *)string
		encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding
	     runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
		   block: (OFStreamAsyncWriteStringBlock)block;
# endif

 * @brief Writes a uint8_t into the stream.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int8 A uint8_t
- (void)writeInt8: (uint8_t)int8;

 * @brief Writes a uint16_t into the stream, encoded in big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int16 A uint16_t
- (void)writeBigEndianInt16: (uint16_t)int16;

 * @brief Writes a uint32_t into the stream, encoded in big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int32 A uint32_t
- (void)writeBigEndianInt32: (uint32_t)int32;

 * @brief Writes a uint64_t into the stream, encoded in big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int64 A uint64_t
- (void)writeBigEndianInt64: (uint64_t)int64;

 * @brief Writes a float into the stream, encoded in big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param float_ A float
- (void)writeBigEndianFloat: (float)float_;

 * @brief Writes a double into the stream, encoded in big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param double_ A double
- (void)writeBigEndianDouble: (double)double_;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of uint16_ts into the stream, encoded in
 *	  big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of uint16_ts to write
- (void)writeBigEndianInt16s: (const uint16_t *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of uint32_ts into the stream, encoded in
 *	  big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of uint32_ts to write
- (void)writeBigEndianInt32s: (const uint32_t *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of uint64_ts into the stream, encoded in
 *	  big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of uint64_ts to write
- (void)writeBigEndianInt64s: (const uint64_t *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of floats into the stream, encoded in big
 *	  endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of floats to write
- (void)writeBigEndianFloats: (const float *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of doubles into the stream, encoded in
 *	  big endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of doubles to write
- (void)writeBigEndianDoubles: (const double *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes a uint16_t into the stream, encoded in little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int16 A uint16_t
- (void)writeLittleEndianInt16: (uint16_t)int16;

 * @brief Writes a uint32_t into the stream, encoded in little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int32 A uint32_t
- (void)writeLittleEndianInt32: (uint32_t)int32;

 * @brief Writes a uint64_t into the stream, encoded in little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param int64 A uint64_t
- (void)writeLittleEndianInt64: (uint64_t)int64;

 * @brief Writes a float into the stream, encoded in little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param float_ A float
- (void)writeLittleEndianFloat: (float)float_;

 * @brief Writes a double into the stream, encoded in little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param double_ A double
- (void)writeLittleEndianDouble: (double)double_;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of uint16_ts into the stream, encoded in
 *	  little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of uint16_ts to write
- (void)writeLittleEndianInt16s: (const uint16_t *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of uint32_ts into the stream, encoded in
 *	  little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param count The number of uint32_ts to write
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
- (void)writeLittleEndianInt32s: (const uint32_t *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of uint64_ts into the stream, encoded in
 *	  little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of uint64_ts to write
- (void)writeLittleEndianInt64s: (const uint64_t *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of floats into the stream, encoded in
 *	  little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of floats to write
- (void)writeLittleEndianFloats: (const float *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes the specified number of doubles into the stream, encoded in
 *	  little endian.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param buffer The buffer from which the data is written to the stream after
 *		 it has been byte swapped if necessary
 * @param count The number of doubles to write
- (void)writeLittleEndianDoubles: (const double *)buffer count: (size_t)count;

 * @brief Writes OFData into the stream.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param data The OFData to write into the stream
- (void)writeData: (OFData *)data;

 * @brief Writes a string into the stream, without the trailing zero.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param string The string from which the data is written to the stream
- (void)writeString: (OFString *)string;

 * @brief Writes a string into the stream in the specified encoding, without
 *	  the trailing zero.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param string The string from which the data is written to the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which to write the string to the stream
- (void)writeString: (OFString *)string encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Writes a string into the stream with a trailing newline.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param string The string from which the data is written to the stream
- (void)writeLine: (OFString *)string;

 * @brief Writes a string into the stream in the specified encoding with a
 *	  trailing newline.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param string The string from which the data is written to the stream
 * @param encoding The encoding in which to write the string to the stream
- (void)writeLine: (OFString *)string encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding;

 * @brief Writes a formatted string into the stream.
 * See printf for the format syntax. As an addition, `%@` is available as
 * format specifier for objects, `%C` for `OFUnichar` and `%S` for
 * `const OFUnichar *`.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param format A string used as format
- (void)writeFormat: (OFConstantString *)format, ...;

 * @brief Writes a formatted string into the stream.
 * See printf for the format syntax. As an addition, `%@` is available as
 * format specifier for objects, `%C` for `OFUnichar` and `%S` for
 * `const OFUnichar *`.
 * In non-blocking mode, the behavior is the same as @ref writeBuffer:length:.
 * @param format A string used as format
 * @param arguments The arguments used in the format string
- (void)writeFormat: (OFConstantString *)format arguments: (va_list)arguments;

 * @brief Cancels all pending asynchronous requests on the stream.
- (void)cancelAsyncRequests;

 * @brief "Reverses" a read operation, meaning the bytes from the specified
 *	  buffer will be returned on the next read operation.
 * This is useful for reading into a buffer, parsing the data and then giving
 * back the data which does not need to be processed. This can be used to
 * optimize situations in which the length of the data that needs to be
 * processed is not known before all data has been processed - for example in
 * decompression - in which it would otherwise be necessary to read byte by
 * byte to avoid consuming bytes that need to be parsed by something else -
 * for example the data descriptor in a ZIP archive which immediately follows
 * the compressed data.
 * If the stream is a file, this method does not change any data in the file.
 * If the stream is seekable, a seek operation will discard any data which was
 * unread.
 * @param buffer The buffer to unread
 * @param length The length of the buffer to unread
- (void)unreadFromBuffer: (const void *)buffer length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Closes the stream.
 * @note If you override this, make sure to call `[super close]`!
- (void)close;

 * @brief Performs a lowlevel read.
 * @warning Do not call this directly!
 * @note Override this method with your actual read implementation when
 *	 subclassing!
 * @param buffer The buffer for the data to read
 * @param length The length of the buffer
 * @return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)lowlevelReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Performs a lowlevel write.
 * @warning Do not call this directly!
 * @note Override this method with your actual write implementation when
 *	 subclassing!
 * @param buffer The buffer with the data to write
 * @param length The length of the data to write
 * @return The number of bytes written
- (size_t)lowlevelWriteBuffer: (const void *)buffer length: (size_t)length;

 * @brief Returns whether the lowlevel is at the end of the stream.
 * @warning Do not call this directly!
 * @note Override this method with your actual end of stream checking
 *	 implementation when subclassing!
 * @return Whether the lowlevel is at the end of the stream
- (bool)lowlevelIsAtEndOfStream;